Custom Classes for v5- Vital Statistics
This post details the custom classes for CoA version 5. It mainly handles the vital statistics behind each of the classes.
DescriptionThe Knight is a fearsome caste of warrior who follow a strict code of honour, and all understand the importance of the chain of command. Honour and their code of honour does not always serve the greater good, such as the cause of the dreaded "Thayan" Knight, but nobility is not always 'noble' after all... - Alignment Restrictions: Any Lawful. - Hit Die: d12. - Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields. - Skill Points (Int Modifier * 4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
Class Skills
Class skills: Concentration, Discipline, Intimidate, Listen, Spot, Parry, Listen and Taunt.Feats
The part to note here is the "GrantedOnLevel". This is a direct replica of the Feat.2da relating to this class(So "CLS_FEAT_KNIGHT"). the OnMenu field might be of interest too, with regards to custom feats, as 1 means it can be fired from a menu, whereas 0 means it is a background feat.FeatLabel FeatIndex List GrantedOnLevel OnMenu 0 WeapProfMar 45 3 1 0 1 WeapProfSim 46 3 1 0 2 ArmProfLgt 3 3 1 0 3 ArmProfMed 4 3 1 0 4 Shield 32 3 1 0 5 WeapProfEx 44 0 -1 0 6 DefArrow 8 0 -1 0 7 TwoWeap 41 0 -1 0 8 Ambidex 1 0 -1 0 9 CShot 5 1 -1 0 10 Cleave 6 1 -1 0 11 DefArrow 8 1 -1 0 12 Disarm 9 1 -1 0 13 Dodge 10 1 -1 0 14 KnockDown 23 1 -1 0 15 Mobility 26 1 -1 0 16 PBShot 27 1 -1 0 17 PowerAtk 28 1 -1 0 18 RapidShot 30 1 -1 0 19 WeapFinesse 42 1 -1 0 20 Expertise 389 1 -1 0 21 ImpExpertise 390 1 -1 0 22 FEAT_HORSE_MENU 1089 3 1 1 23 PLAYER_TOOL_01 1106 1 99 1 24 PLAYER_TOOL_02 1107 1 99 1 25 PLAYER_TOOL_03 1108 1 99 1 26 PLAYER_TOOL_04 1109 1 99 1 27 PLAYER_TOOL_05 1110 1 99 1 28 PLAYER_TOOL_06 1111 1 99 1 29 PLAYER_TOOL_07 1112 1 99 1 30 PLAYER_TOOL_08 1113 1 99 1 31 PLAYER_TOOL_09 1114 1 99 1 32 PLAYER_TOOL_10 1115 1 99 1
For Photoshop guy
The Icon name for the Thayan Knight class is:IR_KNIGHT
For Scripting guy
NB_Allow_Knight ```is a variable that needs to be set in order for a character to gain levels in the class. It is done solely by a DM from within the module from within the console. _Remember, Images should be 32x32pixels and in ".tga" format. they can even use an alpha channel._ Warlock **Description**
Born of a supernatural bloodline, a Warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. Unlike Sorcerers and Wizards, who approach arcane magic through the medium of spells, a Warlock invokes powerful magic through nothing more than an effort of will. The font of dark magic burning in their souls makes them resistant to many forms of attack and arms them with dangerous power. Warlocks learn to harness their power to perform a small number of specific attacks and tricks called invocations. Warlocks make up for their lack of versatility by being tougher and more resilient than sorcerers or wizards. By harnessing his innate magical gift through fearsome determination and willpower, a Warlock can perform feats of supernatural stealth, beguile the weak-minded, or scour his foes with blasts of Eldritch power.
Base attack bonus progression: Medium
- Alignment Restrictions: Any Evil or Chaotic
- Hit Die: d6.
- Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
- Skill Points (Int Modifier * 4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
**Class Skills** Class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Spellcraft, Taunt and Use Magic Device. **Feats** The part to note here is the "GrantedOnLevel". This is a direct replica of the Feat.2da relating to this class (So "CLS_FEAT_WARLOCK"). the OnMenu field might be of interest too, with regards to custom feats, as 1 means it can be fired from a menu, whereas 0 means it is a background feat.
2DA V2.0
FeatLabel FeatIndex List GrantedOnLevel OnMenu
0 SpellFocusCon 166 0 -1 0
1 SpellFocusDiv 167 0 -1 0
2 SpellFocusEnc 168 0 -1 0
3 SpellFocusEvo 169 0 -1 0
4 SpellFocusIll 170 0 -1 0
5 SpellFocusNec 171 0 -1 0
6 SpellFocusTra 172 0 -1 0
7 SpellFocusAbj 35 0 -1 0
8 WeapProfSim 46 3 1 0
9 Familiar 303 3 1 1
10 WeapProfEx 44 0 -1 0
11 WeapProfMar 45 0 -1 0
12 DefArrow 8 0 -1 0
13 Quicken 29 0 -1 0
14 TwoWeap 41 0 -1 0
15 Ambidex 1 0 -1 0
17 FEAT_BREW_POTION 944 0 3 0
18 FEAT_CRAFT_WAND 946 0 5 0
19 PLAYER_TOOL_01 1106 1 99 1
20 PLAYER_TOOL_02 1107 1 99 1
21 PLAYER_TOOL_03 1108 1 99 1
22 PLAYER_TOOL_04 1109 1 99 1
23 PLAYER_TOOL_05 1110 1 99 1
24 PLAYER_TOOL_06 1111 1 99 1
25 PLAYER_TOOL_07 1112 1 99 1
26 PLAYER_TOOL_08 1113 1 99 1
27 PLAYER_TOOL_09 1114 1 99 1
28 PLAYER_TOOL_10 1115 1 99 1
29 ELDRITCH_BLAST1D6 1116 1 1 1
30 ELDRITCH_BLAST2D6 1117 1 3 1
31 ELDRITCH_BLAST3D6 1118 1 5 1
32 ELDRITCH_BLAST4D6 1119 1 7 1
33 ELDRITCH_BLAST5D6 1120 1 9 1
34 ELDRITCH_BLAST6D6 1121 1 11 1
35 DECIEVE_ITEM 1122 0 4 0
36 ELDRITCH_LORE 1123 0 2 0
38 IMBUE_ITEM 1125 1 99 1
39 DamageReduction 196 3 3 0Note here, the new feats available only to our Warlock. These are taken directly from the wiki, and you will note the two important ones here are "IMBUE ITEM" and "ELDRITCH BLAST". My intent for the blast is a simple enough one, just to use the Ray of enfeeblement vfx and have it deal damage (Less versus constructs/placeables) according to its wiki, see the following wiki for details on all these feats and feat abilities.:
As I said before, Imbue item is the one that'll cause the most controversy, as it is an item creation feat. My intent for this, was to run a check on whatever spell focus the warlock has chosen, then to 'flip' it, so they can create wands/potions of the opposing spell school. You might even want it removed entirely. As I say though, I'm the numbers guy, you lot are the creative ones, I leave it in your more than capable hands. Warlock Spell List **Eldritch Blast**
A Warlock attacks his foes with Eldritch power, using baleful magical energy to deal damage and sometimes impart other debilitating effects. An Eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of magical damage at 1st level and increases in power as the Warlock rises in level (up to 14d6 by level 30). There is no Saving Throw with this attack, but Spell Resistance can negate it. This power can be used at will.
An Eldritch blast is a ray with a range of 60ft. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target. Half damage to objects and constructs. is a weapon-like spell (Critical hit on a roll of 20, double damage on a critical hit) Can only be invoked 1/day at level 1\. The warlock can, however, summon extra Eldritch blasts from level 3, 5, and 7\.
At 2nd level the warlock gains a +2 bonus to his Lore and Spellcraft skills.
**Decieve Item**
From level 4 onwards, a Warlock gains a +4 bonus to Use Magic Device skill checks.
**Fiendish Resilience**
Once per day, for 20 rounds, the warlock gains fast healing. The value is 1 point from 8th level, 2 points from 13th level and 5 points from 18th level.
**For Photoshop guy**_Remember, Images should be 32x32pixels and in ".tga" format. they can even use an alpha channel._ The Icon name for the Warlock class is:
**For Scripting guy** "Eldritch Blast" Constant name for custom feat :
"Eldritch Lore" Constant name for custom feat :
"Decieve Item" Constant name for custom feat :
"Fiendish Resilience" Constant name for custom feat :
"Imbue Item" Constant name for custom feat :
Custom Spells [/topic/7989](/topic/7989)  _Underway - "Favored Soul", "Swashbuckler" classes_
Imbue item sounds awesome, i hope we keep it. Not enough crafting options as there is.
Design centralised framework (All custom PRC feat/spells fired from one script) DONE
Create custom Icons for custom Classes/Feats/Spells (also some custom icons for the dwarven runecaster rune item.) DONE
TLK table INCOMPLETE : Very, very last thing to implement.
Knight - "Class.2da"DONE
Knight - "Feat.2da"DONE
Knight - "Spell.2da"DONE
Warlock - "Class.2da"DONE
Warlock - "Feat.2da"DONE
Warlock - "Spell.2da"DONE
Warlock - "Eldritch Blast" Script DONE
Warlock - "Imbue Item" Script INCOMPLETE : Will interfere with CoA's crafting system
Spellsword - "Class.2da"DONE
Spellsword - "Feat.2da"DONE
Spellsword - "Spell.2da"DONE
Spellsword - "Channel Spell" Script DONE
Runecaster - "Class.2da"DONE
Runecaster - "Feat.2da"DONE
Runecaster - "Spell.2da"DONE
Runecaster - "Inscribe Rune" Script DONE
Hardcastle Mercenary - "Class.2da"DONE
Hardcastle Mercenary - "Feat.2da"DONE
Hardcastle Mercenary - "Spell.2da"DONE
Wizard of Thay - "Class.2da"DONE
Wizard of Thay - "Feat.2da"DONE
Wizard of Thay - "Spell.2da"DONE
Thayan knights can be of any lawful alignment. Does that mean there can be LG Thayan knights? Maybe even with paladin levels?
If the DMs ever approve a Paladin for the Thayan Knight PrC, I am pretty sure it'd be a fallen Paladin.
Are these classes actually going to be included into V5 along with the Sorceror themes/Monk stances?
That's the hope from what I understand yes
If the DMs ever approve a Paladin for the Thayan Knight PrC, I am pretty sure it'd be a fallen Paladin.
Thayan Wizard Alignment: Any non-good
Theoretically a paladin could align with a LN Red Wizard. However, in doing so, the paladin is linking himself to an organisation that cannot be called anything other than Evil. Your Paladin levels are at serious risk! -
Mol mentioned a generic 'Knight' class might be better. Its easy enough to just change the title "Thayan_Knight" to just Knight. I've been focusing on the warlock class, and its finished, all i need to do is finish one or two scripts.
I can't wait to get stuck into the monk ones personally. I'm busy creating the ones listed just now- But yes. feats like "Crane Style", "Drunken Boxer" - should be in there, I'm taking creative liberties with those ones, and attaching them to monk orders such as "Dark moon" etc.. The addition of deity specific classes will be added too, like "Favored Soul", so A chanteaun with a sycthe will recieve benefits. that kind of thing.
I think I'm in love with you, man.
Will these custom classes be available by default, or app thing?
I'm mostly looking at the whole knight thing and thinking, finally something besides fighter or paladin for my Helmite warrior!
Also is there a place to suggest custom classes? Or is this the place for that?
Make a separate thread, just in case. I'm not sure where NBane ran off to.
Just heard him a few days ago, hes been extremely busy with RL. I will tell him to email what he was able to get done as soon as possible but it looks like some else is going to have pick up where he left off.
He's been working on other projects and getting his ass handed to him. Be patient. :)
Knock, knock. Going to see if I can't get NBane to come back and maybe work with this if it's something the DMs still desire.
We'd be much more interested in more options for existing classes if he can do that.