Copper Crafting
I decided to learn all the crafting today on my day off.
The biggest take away, copper crafting (weapon/armor) is vastly too expensive. Half the number of copper rivets required for making copper armor/weapons.
Nearly everything else, I at least felt like the expense to learn/grow was leading to items I'd at least use. Felt a little excited despite the sheer drudgery of crafting.
Copper items I made cost more than stuff you can buy in regular shops that was better. Most of it was clearly worse than gear I already had, some of it was worse than gear I found on newbie quests.
This stuff is just too expensive. Copper Boots for example cost 40 in supplies to make for a +1 electric save and -1 move silent. Who would even want these?
One player even said "its just the throw away level that eats up gold before you make the good stuff". I know that no one designed it to be that way - but I had to say, I can see why players would feel that way.
Again - please cut the number of copper rivets needed for copper armor/weapons by half.
rather than edit every single recipe that uses copper rivets i'd rather just lower the cost of the rivets
live v8639 -
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