Latok/Elf-WhiteDragonTouched/Ranger/Creation [Closed, moved to Feytouched app]
Account: Latok
Character: Sigen Khaor (Elven for Snow Curse)
Race: Elf White Dragon Touched
Alignment: Neutral evil
Class: Ranger
Elven Lore Assuptions: Reverie is the trance elves go into when "resting." In this dream state adult elves experience visions of their own experiences and memories. Elven children instead see primal visions based on their ancestory linked to either avandor or the fey wild, depending on their linage, etc. When they start to see visions of their own memories is a meloncoly time because they no longer see paradice and long for that feeling again. Normal elves mark this time with celebration and a comming of age to lessen the harshness of the sad feeling. This typically drives normal elves to seek to become a more perfect version of themselves to someday, centuries later, to reclaim that feeling.
Background: An abominable product of some kind of union between the most feral and spiteful dragons and the noble elven, he was abandoned and alone in the frozen wilderness. His childhood reveries showed him visions of the feywild and gave him some comfort, but when he came of age there was no celebration, no coming of age, just loss, sadness, and pain. The feral, vengeful white dragon blood, mixed with that loss and abandonment turn him cold both inside and out. He cursed the elven pantheon for abandoning him and longed for that feeling of the feywild. This lead him to seek the approval and comfort of the winter court of the unseelie fey who oppose the elven pantheon and find a new family he never had.
Goals: Follow the path of the "Changing of the seasons." Promote change through conflict. Always offer aid to those who are using violence or adventure to compete with other groups, factions, people. Help other characters seek revenge. Bring people to cold areas such as the stormhorns. Involve himself in both sides of the noble house conflict and aid anyone who pushes this conflict. Work to become an emmissary of the winter court and get people to make deals with the winter court for information, a competative edge, etc. Try to catch people in deals where they owe favors to the winter court but get more than they barganed for. Compete against the interests of the elven pantheon. Hunt down and conflict with seelie fey, especially those of the redwood. Work to bring about a "Time of winter" to wipe clean the old chapter of the world and usher in a new one.
Portrayal of the Subrace: He will naturally have feline eyes, unnaturally pale skin, and razor teeth and nails. He'll also naturally have patches of scales that almost look like intricate gem-like tatoos. Part of my app is for the ability to mostly control his appearance to look more like an extremely pale elf and show signs of his linage through rp, such as his eyes shifting in shape to the more feline style or his teeth showing a razor grin etc. at various times when it would fit the narrative. He'll have the bitter vengence driven mindset of a white dragon while being pulled more and more towards the feywild due to his elven linage. -
I don't see why not.
Only thing I would challenge is:
@Primordial said in Latok/Elf-WhiteDragonTouched/Ranger/Creation:
Part of my app is for the ability to mostly control his appearance to look more like an extremely pale elf
I can understand that a tail and all that junk might make it challenging to begin with. I would like to see a claus put in where as he works towards his goals his dragonblood lineage awakens and physically morphs his appearance?? Something like that avoids the 'all the perks, none of the drawbacks' scenario.
Sound more like a Feytouched than a Dragontouched, granted we don't have a feytouched subrace.
He is aware moon elves can be extremely pale right? If its just for the appearance this doesn't need to be a subrace. It reads more like dragontouched being tacked on to be more special, rather than it being an important part of the story.
I'd find it more interesting if they weren't a dragontouched but an elf who was seduced or tricked by the Winter Court.
@Voss_ said in Latok/Elf-WhiteDragonTouched/Ranger/Creation:
He is aware moon elves can be extremely pale right? If its just for the appearance this doesn't need to be a subrace. It reads more like dragontouched being tacked on to be more special, rather than it being an important part of the story.
@Voss_ said in Latok/Elf-WhiteDragonTouched/Ranger/Creation:
I'd find it more interesting if they weren't a dragontouched but an elf who was seduced or tricked by the Winter Court.
very much so
That’s part of the struggle for him, if we had fey touched he would app for it but he’s just working with the tools we have :)
I agree with the appearance point tho
We don't have fey-touched but this story can still be told without that subrace.
Instead the Wintercourt could be worked into the background and we could give them something like a trinket or mark to represent those ties.
However if the point of the app was more that they wanted to play a White Dragontouched then my feedback is to rewrite the app to focus more on roleplaying that.
Reach out to him and ask where his preferences lie.
Honestly, adding a fey-touched subrace would not be terrible at this point. We would just need to agree to the stats. -
@Voss_ said in Latok/Elf-WhiteDragonTouched/Ranger/Creation:
We don't have fey-touched but this story can still be told without that subrace.
Instead the Wintercourt could be worked into the background and we could give them something like a trinket or mark to represent those ties.
However if the point of the app was more that they wanted to play a White Dragontouched then my feedback is to rewrite the app to focus more on roleplaying that.
Point of the app is to do something interesting with the winter court and have it make sense why an elf would be outcasted to the stormhorns essentially.
I think we’ve needed feytouched for a long time honestly. If it is as easy as echo says to implement, I think it would be good for the server.
The player said they would be fine removing the white dragon touched part and have it replaced with a mark.
I’d suggest the mark to have some good uses and maybe some flaws. But also serve as to why their appearance may be altered so that there is some fun rp and mystery to be had
Or we can add a Feytouched subrace?
It can take 30min at most. -
Would love that and I’m sure he would too
If we can add Feytouched that'd be sweet.
Did anyone ask him if he would prefer fey touched?
I did, he would love to go with fey touched if possible. And rework the background accordingly
Feytouched is implemented.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on