Low Level Quest Loot Drops - Generally
Having done the “low level circuit” in the city (Shamrock Gardens, Precept, Back Alley Quest, Haunted Manor, Slimey one) I must have gotten 8 books as loot, topped up with a few low level scrolls and no healing item at all (wands, potions etc)
I might have been unlucky (solo questing, level 4 ranger) - but nobody needs that many books, and they’re very specific on who can use them.
I'll update it with the new WP system, otherwise it's random chance for all the loot.
Ok cool, so basically just been unlucky?
@lateralus yep it's all random atm, but we can refine the random to ensure a more even spread of loot types. So you dont get unlucky and end up with 10 healing kits and nothing else
new loot has been added to all the lowbie quests
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