Shifting gear bonuses dont stack
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Time: Description: The shifting druid armor bonuses don't stack. When shifting to animal form it converts all the AC bonuses to Deflection and then none of them stack, it only saves the highest one. As the shield adds +2, the armor adds +2 and the hood adds +1, the whole set only adds +2. Don't know if this can be fixed since it might be hard coded, but if it can't recommend some other bonuses on the set to make up for it since it's a super expensive kit.
A thought comes to mind, since we don't allow stacking bonuses of the same type in CoA. Could you theoretically, as a work around, make the shifting items a "set" and have the bonus applied by one of the items, say the cloth, be increased in AC by the amount of the shifter set items worn? So since essentially the whole set should add +5 AC, you could have the Armor provide 2, the armor and helmet provide 3, and the armor, the helmet, and the shield provide +5 to the armor?
Alternatively maybe just make it so you have to have the full set to get the max armor bonus and remove the actual armor bonus modifiers from the other set items? I do, however, don't know how well that would work when shifted, if the set bonus would remain when you shift.
You'd also need to decide what AC bonus you'd want for the animal form. If you want it all Deflection, it would go to the helmet, all shield, and it would go to the buckler, or all armor and it would go to the body. This would likely need to be balanced because all to the robe would give +5 armor AC but make mage armor potions useless. All to the hood would give +5 deflection but then people could guzzle mage armor potions to get upwards of +9 with mage armor, while making shield spells/potions useless.
Barkskin is already useless in animal form as every creature gets some natural AC bonus that doesn't stack with barks (I do it so I don't die when shifting).
If you put it all on the shield, you'd make animal shifted druids have the potential of +13 overall when you add set bonus, mage armor, and shield potions. (neither of which are druid spells so they would be relying on friends or consumables.)
Not a bug. Working as intended. Items have other properties that will stack and the ac is for those times not shifted and to give a slight bonus to the shifted ac present in wildshape.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Bug Reports on