Swim suit does not seem to grant the static +2 to swimming
Area name: That last area of the "Lion Hunt" quest
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Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/Issue Description: I have seen this repeatedly now that the swim check modifier (at least in this area) remains the same with or without the swimsuit. The description says that it should grant a +2 bonus. The trout backstroke works fine, however!
i know what the problem is i just dont know how to fix it
waiting on input from someone smarter than i am (ie, strife) -
Provided in the discussion some additional questions before moving to fix it :)
Possible fix as of version 20240808 Strife 8515.
Please try it once its live and report back with finding. -
appears to be fixed. First roll is without the swim suit, the second one with the swim suit on!
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