Arrowhead Crafting via Tinkering
Server Version: 8506
Screen Shot:
Issue Description:
There seems to be a discrepancy in the forums(Or in the game). The first screenshot is from the forum's post about Tinkering, which says you need a small mold to craft arrowheads.
The second image is from the Tinker's device that shows you actually need an Arrowhead Mold. I still tried to add the Small mold but it doesnt recognize it as such.
The last 2 images are from the Tinker's Furnace, showing it is not possible to craft Arrowhead mold.
Which one is correct? The forums or the game?
If the game is correct can the forums be adjusted and Arrowhead mold be made available for crafting? -
Arrowhead molds are needed to make arrowheads. Arrowhead molds cannot be made through tinkering.They can only be purchased at this point.
As always, I am open to suggestions on how to balance out cost versus reward.I will update the forums to reflect the correct mold.When I get home from work this evening.
Arrow mold added to tinkering v8511
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on