Knockknock/Florian Bleth / Gold Usage - Arbitrator
Character: Florian Bleth / Neutral Evil / Fighter
Player: Knocknock
Applying for: I would like to use the gold acquired from mugging Barena, or at least some of it, to gain influence at court sufficient enough to form “The Arbitration”.
Bio: Florian Bleth is a racist member of the Bleth family sent to Arabel to establish influence in the fledgling Queendom.
Goals:The Arbitration is an official body representing Arabel, dedicated to investigating and eradicating the threat posed by the Eldreth Veluuthra.
Florian will temporarily set aside the political ambitions of House Bleth to lead the Arbitration. Through this vehicle, I aim to generate independent conflict and provoke reactions, stirring the hornet's nest. I have found a decent amount of resistance in advancing the racial narrative, and I would like to double down on these efforts.
The objective is to be as provocative as possible under the guise of legal authority, providing the server with an antagonist against whom players can unite and rally against.
Goals of the Arbitration:
- Organise Expeditions into the Hullack Forest: The Arbitration will launch targeted expeditions into the Hullack Forest with the primary objective of hunting down members of the Eldreth Veluuthra. These missions will not only serve to explore the server's vast regions but also provide opportunities for players to engage in DMless expeditions, promoting active participation and adventure.
- Enhance Bounties for Eldreth Veluuthra Ears: To motivate PCs to actively hunt Eldreth Veluuthra, the Arbitration will offer additional incentives for turning in ear bounties beyond the standard Prestige points. This initiative aims to encourage PCs to seek more through these hunts, increasing engagement and participation in these missions.
- Conduct Investigations in Arabel: A significant focus of the Arbitration will be to investigate potential agents or sympathisers of the Eldreth Veluuthra within Arabel. This aspect is expected to yield the most engagement, roleplay opportunities, and antagonistic interactions. The Arbitration will diligently investigate individuals and groups suspected of supporting the Eldreth Veluuthra.
- Present Case Files and Recommendations to the Palace: While the Arbitration will conduct thorough investigations, it will not hold ultimate authority over any judgments. Instead, it will compile case files and present recommendations to the Palace. This structure ensures that the Arbitration cannot unilaterally end character stories, although that would never be my intention.
- Access to the Palace Jail: The Arbitration will petition for access to the Palace jail for detaining suspects, utilising existing server infrastructure. This access provides some semblance of authority and legitimacy.
- Operate as an Independent Task Force: The Arbitration will function as a task force with limited legal authority, aggressively pursuing perceived threats to mankind. Operating independently of DM supervision, the Arbitration has the potential to generate substantial interaction, plotting, and scheming within the server, in which I would hope will enrich the overall experience.
- Support Human Initiatives: In addition to countering the influence of the Eldreth Veluuthra, the Arbitration will also support and promote human initiatives. This secondary goal aims to strengthen human presence and efforts within the server, providing a counterbalance to the threats posed by the Eldreth Veluuthra.
Terrible. Veto.
right out
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