Level 10 fighter bonus feat missing
PC Name: Yoric Vannerlen
Server Version: 8435
Screen Shot:Issue Description: It seems like my PC is only gaining the regular bonus feat that fighters get at level ten.(Every even level) and not the additional bonus feat given to pure fighters here. https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/52396/fighter
Upon further investigation, I think this bug extends beyond what I originally reported. I may need a DM to verify this in game with me, but I believe my PC has not gained some of the additional feats given to pure fighters.
Please correct me if I have this wrong. In total I should have 14 feats at level ten as a pure fighter.
4 general feats. (1, 3, 6, 9)
1 human general feat (1)
6 bonus fighter feats (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
3 bonus class CoA fighter feats (7, 9, 10)However on my character sheet in game, I only have 11 feats(Plus an additional one I have not selected upon reaching level ten, for a total of 12)
Yep. Forum is incorrect. Originally it was a level 10 capstone feat for remaining pure class. Then we implemented the pure class only store. I'll update the forums.
I ran a test pc up to level 10 to confirm that the fighters are receiving the bonus feat at level 7 and level 9 are working.
4 general feats. (1, 3, 6, 9)
1 human general feat (1)
6 bonus fighter feats (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
32 bonus class CoA fighter feats (7, 9,10)Total feats s/b 13. Grab a DM to confirm your pc or double check your count but this was also confirmed looking at player pc at level 10 and they have 13.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Bug Reports on