Bone Arrow Recipe
Bone Arrow: +2 negative damage
Recipe: 20 small bones, 1 bone glue, 5 raven feathers.
Result: 20 Bone ArrowsSuggestion: Either increase the number of arrows crafted/reduce the amount of small bones needed, increase the amount of small bones you get from large bones, or increase the amount of bones dropped from animals.
Notes: The current recipe offers up a very cheap and cost effective way of getting these arrows, which is great for a much needed damage bonus for bow users as bows always tend to lag behind in damage scaling. It's very easy to get the components as well, both of which can be found between Arabel and Hillmarch. Many people travel this road too, so there's usually plenty of remains to pick from as well to get some resources. With that said however, I feel the recipe isn't worth the effort. It feels like it just takes too much time for little result. Most larger animals drop a single large bone, and the smaller animals drop a single small bone. Large bones can be turned into 3 small bones. In other words, a large animal is only worth 3 bone arrows. Of course, many times, a large animal will take more than 3 bone arrows to kill. You would have to slay/harvest 7 large animals to fund a single bone arrow craft (20 small bones). Archer based characters go through arrows like cheap candy however, and 20 arrows won't even last you through the first encounter of the majority of quests.
Recipe under review
v8444 recipe changed to 10 bones instead of 20, and you'll retain half (5) on a failed roll
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on