Knightwood quest boss not spawning
240601 Strife 8384Quest:
Knightswood (4-9)
Partysize: 1-10
Quest Giver: Doretha Bitterbark, located in King's Forest, Starwater WoodIssue:
The boss "Draguth Endroun" did not spawn. We looked everywhere outside and inside. Three times. It did not spawn at all. -
was this a 1-time occurrence or does it keep happening?
He can spawn in one of 5 interior places. Might be you searched a place before hitting the trigger? Idk
we ran the area all over 3 times.
Will have to try the quest again and see if he spawns or not.
I can coraborate what The minionOfArabel wrote, the druid/boss doesnt spawn in any of the 5-6 house, and for what i know, the druid always spawned in the house in the middle of the map, the one with three cat at ground floor, and the druid with his wolf on the second floor, i never saw him anywhere else...
so yeah at this time of post i am still inside the quest withou druid/boss
unable to reproduce
watched a group a few nights ago do this quest and the boss spawned just fine -
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