Barrenstone absolutely 110% not worth it
Module version Strife 8231
Quest name Barrenstone
Quests giver Barrenstone
ZQA: Barenstone
Level range 4 - 9
Party requirements 2-10 ?
Number of people that did the quest 3
Party composition with levels: Cleric lv6, Fighter lv9, Druid lv5 (I think)
Quest turn in gp and xp: 250 gp per head, 150 expDescription: spent 11 clarities, 3 barkskins, 3 blurs and got some prestige and 150 gold. Beyond that - the confusion and dispel spamming fey are probably the creatures I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the most on the entirety of CoA.
There is no incentive to check out the lore on this quest becase all you want to do is run ahead before your clarity runs out (which it well anyway).
Have to agree that it was a resource drain, but there seemed to be some cool lore hidden within the quest. (Not really a fan of having to do a quest to learn lore, tbh.)
Clarity does not last long enough to do the quest without constantly drinking it (which gets costly).
The lore is kind of neat, but as Zolm said, you really can't stop to appreciate it.
Maybe some spawns that don't spam dispel/confusion could be added? There are a lot of fey creatures to choose from if you want to stick with them as the theme. (I was informed this used to be a goblin quest, which explains the dead goblins lying about.)
I've done this quest a couple times on Selwyn and I will never touch it again for reasons stated above. Even soloing it you get those bullshit spawns. >_>
The lore is available in other locations spread out around the server, so good news on that front! It's just not as centralized.
Some thoughts. Maybe add protection vs chaos/law potions to quest loot and/or stores. Does magic circle vs. alignment have a chaos option?
Does protection against chaos work for this? If so, then… I think that already drops on some quests.
Protection from alignment spells are no longer immunity against mind spells just a bonus, to get immunity you need clarity
+5 to your roll for 80 odd gps is pretty decent, lasts hours too.
You're still getting hammered with dispels, usually every other encounter on the quest. No amount of consumable resources- spells or potions- can out pace that rate of attrition.
I'll look into it, it used to be pretty average but with the spell change it will need some tweaking.
Spawns over hauled, 75% less caster feys. Testing after changes goes live v8267
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