Treasure Maps - Too Many Instructions Error
Area name: 1. Arabel Outskirts: East Way 2. Arabel, Outskirts: Calantar's Road.
Issue Location: 1. Mushroom circle near the hay storage 2. Behind the Castle of the True Sun
Server Version: 8206Issue Description: Received the above errors when attempting to do treasure maps. It spawned the chests, but they were empty.
that happens when your in a party and not all members are in the same area as the treasure. Its to prevent the treasure from spawning for the number of party members when not all are present
@Valkyrie Ah, that makes sense.
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on
Still an error. Too many instructions is a system error caused due to infinite loops usually so shouldnt happen.
Located the problematic section in the code and should be fixed as of version Strife 8208.