Cant turn in Crow Garb for PP
Area name: Dhedluk
Issue Location: Museum of Magic (Item gotten from the quest here)
Quest Name:
Store Name:
NPC Name:
NPC Location:
Server Version: 8197
Time: 12/9/23 1:30 am (Puerto Rico)Crown Garb gotten from the Magic Museum quest says that it gives 15pp but doesn't. Tried it with the chest at Immersea and the Wildwalkers.
Hm. Wasnt in the original batch of loot I made. Will get to it eventually. Missed it on today's edits.
This item isnt in the loot table for the Magic Museum but it was in the "Pride of Arabel" quest (old Flagon Held High).
prestige point issue resolved v8198 -
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