I LOVE the new additions to this quest, especially the lore added. In general it is a MUCH better quest that the goblin on and even the first run I went through with the fey update. The new monsters are much more thematic to the quest style. The loot is great, however, I feel it might be too good to be true. I may have just got a really good roll but I got over 250 PP from one run with the quest with the latest updates and I was running it solo. I got alot of high PP items in one go. I wouldn't remove the loot from the quest but if there is a way to tone down how much of the AMAZING stuff you get that would be recommended.
We did a run-through last night with a group of 4, slightly different experience. Whilst we got a few okay bits of loot and some higher end PP value bits, overall the reward was less than the outlay.
Trees make the path awkward to negotiate at times. Near the start, my own character tried to cast a cantrip at enemies on the other side of a thicket and the target moved out of range.
Ended up with my guy moving forward and being bumped through the trees into a dispel/confusion/daze spam, with the rest of the party unable to reach him, due to the fact the map is now a long path rather than the more open exploration-y type area it was previously.
Lot's of dispelling enemies can be a fun challenge, but the overall reward payout didn't even begin to cover it. In many cases it stripped every buff/protection my guy had, except for the actual shield effect of the shield spell (the Abjur armour AC bonus was stripped).
Heavy use of Confusion led to some amusing moments, like our own group beating each other down in the midst of enemies attacking, but again, to survive required a level of consumable usage that outstripped the reward.
Quite a tough selection of enemies at times for the group. After bumping through the trees at the start, to near where the exit hole is, and surviving, I had to invis and trek around map to where the rest of the group was.
Would recommend adding some consumable (potion/wand - avoid healing kits and herbs) specific drops around the area.
Loot-wise, the PP value drops were okay, but for a group of 4, not amazing. The loot that we saw was quite niche and more starter quest. Strongest item was a good only Unicorn Crossbow, which went in PP chest.
XP gain was on the higher end, I think I netted approx 800-1200 all in (hadn't been keeping a close count, sorry)
Party of 4:
Melee Mage - (level 7
Rogue - level 7
Ranger (/rogue?) -level unknown
Sorcerer - level unknownConservative estimate of my own consumable usage after spells stripped:
5 invis pots
6 blur potions
3 bark
2 - 3 clarity pot/ scroll
Shield wand charges/ scroll
Multiple charges of MW
Multiple charges of endurance
Multiple endure elements
Good part of a cure serious wand
Cure Mod pots (unknown number)
Cure Serious pots (unknown number)
2 charges of Cloud of Bewilderment wand
Scroll for PfC
PfE pot
Multiple PfG potions (switched to this after PfC/ PfE didn't seem to work against Fey, not actually sure if it helped tbh) -
There's a random chance with loot, will look into making the open area loot more supply/ wand oriented and the cavern loot being the chance for items. Bump through trees will have affected the outcome quote a bit, will look into putting some barriers to avoid bumps
First time I ran it with @Master_Sarevok it was all the same two enemies spamming confuse and dispel but when I ran it by myself there were not spellcasters, it was an entirely different set of enemies that were much more manageable and did mainly melee damage. I believe the second run was all Dobies and Thorns
Quest updated for more variation to loot a while back, feys dont spam spells as much any more.
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