New punishments
Penal Service - Service to the crown in lieu of exile or execution until such a time as one has paid their enormous debt to society. A specific task should be considered or a length of service.
Exile - Removal from settled areas under pain of death. Should be considered when an extreme punishment is required but death is not warranted.
Execution - For use when a subject is irredeemable or when death is the only viable punishment for the heinousness of the crime.
* Public Flogging - For those criminals who are not rehabilitated by fines or whose crimes require an example the criminal will be given a set number of lashes with a whip or beatings with a club. This must be given exactly by the judging official and not to exceed what is necessary to correction the action when the subject refuses to pay a fine or the fines are not correcting the behavior.Serious
Stocks - A set time should be judged for the criminal to remain in the stocks. No real harm will be allowed to come to the subject, however, the throwing of vegetables should be allowed. This is for those who refuse to pay a fine or who are repeat offenders who a fine is not correcting the behavior.
You forgot Re-education
Usually community service with a temple assisting them aid the population.
@Crusader-K said in New punishments:
Public Flogging - For those criminals who are not rehabilitated by fines or whose crimes require an example the criminal will be given a set number of lashes with a whip or beatings with a club. This must be given exactly by the judging official and not to exceed what is necessary to correction the action when the subject refuses to pay a fine or the fines are not correcting the behavior.
The Queen has expressed that she does not desire public flogging within her kingdom.
The Arbiter of Arabel
@Crusader-K said in New punishments:
Stocks - A set time should be judged for the criminal to remain in the stocks. No real harm will be allowed to come to the subject, however, the throwing of vegetables should be allowed. This is for those who refuse to pay a fine or who are repeat offenders who a fine is not correcting the behavior.
The stocks should be limited to capital and serious offenses, repeat offenders of lesser and petty can have their charges elevated to a higher charge.
The Arbiter of Arabel
@Crusader-K said in New punishments:
Penal Service
@V-Rage said in New punishments:
Re-education is an essential part of the legal system in Arabel, and should be available at all services. No need to create a new name for Capital offenses, Re-education should be longer and more complex the higher the offense.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Re-list the gold guidelines for fines per charge, Capital crimes cannot be paid off with a fine.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Can someone please explain the re-education process and what it entails? It appears to be a hold-over from the old anarchy and tyranny times when people would be tortured or indoctrinated into obedience to the unjust system. If this is no longer the case I would request an explanation on what exactly it entails so it can be documented in the lawbook and so we can ensure an even-hand of justice.
Morpheus -
- 100-500 Gold fines (Max fines listed in each offense)
- No Arrest
- Use non-lethal force only when necessary to stop an immediate act of violence or destruction.
- Do not pursue, document and submit fines
- 500-1000 Gold Fines (Max fines listed in each offense)
- Arrest for violent or destructive offenses only
- Use non-lethal force only to gain compliance
- Re-education authorized
- 1000-10000 gold fines (Max fines listed in each offense)
- Time spent in the stockade
- Arrest authorized
- Use of non-lethal force authorized in all instances
- Use of Lethal force authorized only as a last resort to stop violent or destructive action when the offender is utilizing potential lethal force.
- Significant Re-education authorized
- Exile from settlements/towns (must be approved by the High Arbiter or Crown)
- Significant time spent in the stockade
- Execution (must be approved by the High Arbiter or Crown)
- Maximum Re-Education Authorized
@Crusader-K said in New punishments:
Can someone please explain the re-education process and what it entails? It appears to be a hold-over from the old anarchy and tyranny times when people would be tortured or indoctrinated into obedience to the unjust system. If this is no longer the case I would request an explanation on what exactly it entails so it can be documented in the lawbook and so we can ensure an even-hand of justice.
MorpheusRe-education is when an individual is entrusted to a noble house, temple, shrine, or organisation for re-educational purposes. The one group leading the re-education are in charge of assigning the charged criminal with a task which benefits the group and the kingdom as a whole, whilst also teaching the charge criminal a valuable life lesson to ensure they will not commit more crimes. The difficulty of the task is reflected by the severity of the crimes committed.
The Arbiter of Arabel
I find this acceptable so long as we note that the redemption and payment to society is, in itself, the payment for any service or task given and that there is no expectation of further award or payment for tasks done during re-education. A person sentenced to re-education tasks they would have already done anyway, and then reaping the rewards for those tasks is not accountability for their actions.
The Arbiter of Arabel