[Closed]Special Considerations Under the Law
I am but a humble clerk-
but giving them the opportunity to bring feral beasts where civilized men and women live and seek peace is the opposite of a goodly book of laws.
The difference between a safe mastiff and a beast is whether it has a leash, a collar, and a muzzle in the presence of its betters.
- Clerk Johannes
No one may bring wild beasts within the city.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Please remember the current Hierophaunt harbors and protects known criminals, including the man who assassinated the king. I make the recommendations I did under great strain to my need for order only to acknowledge the Queen’s request. The Druids already think themselves a higher authority than the law, any more extra rights over my recommendation to treat them with the similar equity as a church is done at my extreme protest. That is all else I will argue on the matter, are there sufficient or will there be further debate between the others? I will also support lessening their rights an imposing further restrictions.
The wildwalkers are trusted to maintain balance and order amongst their own and may do so without interferences from the kingdom so long as their actions do not post a threat to the kingdom, it's people, or its interests. And as long as they do not violate the laws of civilized areas.
Wildwalkers may request a "Grove" be granted a special protected status where it would be treated with the same rights as a "Temple" and the Great druid/Grove guardian treated as "Official Clergy" over that grove. Only those groves approved by the crown are granted this protected status.
- The Wildwalkers are entrusted to maintain the balance of the natural world, and may do so as long as it is within the laws of the kingdom
- The Wildwalkers governs druids and rangers within the Kingdom, and must ensure they conduct their duties to the natural world within the laws of the kingdom
- Wildwalkers members, druids, and rangers who fail to uphold the laws of the kingdom must be reported to the Crown by the Wildwalkers
- Druidic Sanctuaries known as "Druidic Groves" are granted special protective status similar to shrines, and are protected by their designated "Great druid/Grove guardian" with the same status as Official Clergy. These Groves and their protectors must be listed to the Crown to be granted this privilege, violators of the kingdom's laws will lose this privilege
The Arbiter of Arabel
//OOC Druids with groves get perks like Official Clergy and the groves are treated as shrines, nothing more. Nothing less.
@Crusader-K said in Special Considerations Under the Law:
Members of the House of Ash may respond with force, if necessary to prevent the defiling or desecration of the dead, any grave, any tomb or to prevent the imminent animation of the dead or summoning of an undead spirit. They are required to report the incident to peace officials following.
Non-lethal force
The Arbiter of Arabel
@Crusader-K said in Special Considerations Under the Law:
Noone may enter a ship without the permission of the captain unless a warrant is signed and authorized by the Crown, or the designated officer over legal justice, or the Lord of Immersea.
The local Lord of the relevant docks/port, or members of the Crown
The Arbiter of Arabel
@Crusader-K said in Special Considerations Under the Law:
Noble Rights((Sir or higher. Does not include bluebloods or family of unless the Noble decides it does))
Noble Rights ((Titled nobility, does not include bluebloods or noble family unless the Lord of the House declares otherwise.))
Titled nobility in order of rank:- King/Queen
- Prince/Princess
- Duke/Duchess
- Count/Countess
- Baron/Baroness
- Lord/Lord
- Sir/Dame
The Arbiter of Arabel
Various border nobles petition that they are given an exemption to the army limitations due to their lands bordering other nations or are otherwise embroiled with monstrous tribes.
- Clerk Joseph
P.S: It isn't unusual for border nobles to receive special permission to have larger armies than otherwise would be permitted due to their station as acting fortresses against foreign invasion.
I find myself agreeing with Clerk Johannes here
I am not sure why we would give Druids special exemptions when thanks to them the Helmlands are full of fungus and spores that seemingly infest others with diseases.
They turned away aid from good adventurers such as the House of the Morning to ally with lycans, giants and other monsters.
@SpiffyMeister said in Special Considerations Under the Law:
Various border nobles petition that they are given an exemption to the army limitations due to their lands bordering other nations or are otherwise embroiled with monstrous tribes.
Exemptions may be granted by the Crown, judged on a case by case basis. This covers any special petitions.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Discussion and submission closed. Begin drafting the final article to inclusion into the drafted lawbook
Sir Malcom
//Topic closed. Start writing up the final draft and include into the lawbook please.//