[Closed]Spellcaster Registration
It is an unfortunate bit of news to see the registration be viewed on such a singular axis.
What issue do you take with the arcane registry as it stands Laypriest Dupont?
~Guildmaster Finley Copperfield
The Guildmaster of the Arcane Guild and his subordinates have been granted authority over the Arcane Register, this is a boon to the kingdom and all arcanists as per judgment of the Crown. It will not be removed.
Thereby we refer to the Guildmaster's knowledge and wisdom, those who have yet to share their thoughts may do so. However, it is the Guildmaster who has the heaviest weight upon this matter.
The Arbiter of Arabel
While I do concur with the High Arbiter that the Guildmaster's thoughts on the matter should have heaviest weight, I must also warn from apparent bias as a result.
To only have an Arcanist register if they commit a crime is, respectfully, unproductive. The registry's purpose, as I see it, is to ensure we are always aware of the potential of arcanists to keep an eye on those we believe could commit crimes.
I do see the merit in goodman Frosthelm's proposal to even the field and register also those of the Divine. It will be an olive branch to arcane spellcasters who feel persecuted by the establishment. That however will have to include the Wildwalkers as well, and I am uncertain how it will be received with them or if it is even feasible to register those who spend their times in the wild. Nevertheless I will favor such an approach of even justice.
I would recommend however that if we are to proceed with Frosthelm's proposal, to consider having the Arcane's Guild authority over these affairs augmented by those of the Divine and nature. A committee if you will.
Lord Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Ruler of Immersea
Knight of the Realm of Arabel
Clerics and Paladins are governed by the local churches.
Rangers and druids are governed by the Wildwalkers.If a register is desired from these entities, then this should be kept separate from the Arcane.
The Arbiter of Arabel
I may be lacking basic understanding of what you stone folk wish to achieve with a registry. Does it HURT, to have ones name be put to parchment? Does it change their way of life? Or is it simply... something to do?
Does being registered make any difference? And what occurs if someone loses the ability to use magic of the third or fourth circle? Should they have the right to pen a missive to be removed from the list?
I agree with the Frost Helmet, that a priest is just as dangerous as an arcanist in this regard, Marius being an excellent example. But I also know that the Oath takers will either take it as an insult to be registered, or simply will not be bothered by it, if it changes little.
The churches are likely to take it as an insult too.
Criminals are not criminals until crime is committed. Once crime is committed and documented, then are labelled criminal, and moving forward, scrutiny advised on person's activities.
Arcane Registry will not prevent magical crimes, but will allow for potential crimes to possibly be averted in future and investigated properly.
After all, merely is a name put to paper.
Other nations charge hefty fees in addition to registry or outright ban spellcasting to put in perspective.
Its an Arcane Registry, should the crown be interested in it stretching beyond that into the divine, I would not have such matters be the responsibility of the Arcane Guild.
The registry as it stands, is not a punishment. Once submitted, the arcanists are eligible for substantial rewards. A system the guild is currently discussing in depth. Yet another cost we endure for the safety of Realm and Kingdom. Such rewards may include:
- Grants for specific research/studies
- Wands and scrolls at incredible prices, or free
- Care packages to encourage them along a path of responsible arcana
- Earnable Degrees
- A sense of community, dismissing the divide between arcanists like the precepts and many mossmere apprentices clutched onto.
- One on one training or arcane councel
Should one go out of their way to not register after multiple attempts, then that tells us there may be suspicious activity already at play and would warrant investigation.
It allows us to keep track of those capable in doing certain crimes when we coordinate with investigation on such matters, creating a more efficient process which in the end saves lives, resource and time.
It is common for Kingdoms to have an Arcane Registry, arcanists are generally uncommon, however the reoccurring crop regarding Children of the weave or those with latent abilities have complicated matters, yet we remain determined to document anything and everything.
As for changing it to fourth circle casters and above, I disagree. Those able to cast a fireball and destroy buildings or groups of innocence I believe would qualify, a great variety belonging to the third circle and above. This would also include the infamous spell "Animate Dead" and so many others that could reap destruction.
If your interest is to empower the registry through precise and fair law, then you have my blessing. But you'd have an easier time defeating a polar bear with snowballs than convincing me it should be removed. I'd suggest as follows:
Arcane casters capable of third circle spells and above are required to register their talents with the authorities. Early registration is welcome and encouraged
Divine spell casters are not required to register, as they're governed. Clerics and paladins are governed by the local churches, druids and rangers are governed by the Wildwalkers.
~Guildmaster Finley Copperfield
And it is this what I'm against.
Wizards Choose to learn magic
Sorcerers are born with it and may not understand it yet you would thrust registration upon them
Though this is the law already it doesn't mean I have to like it
What would you propose, Laypriest Dupont, as middle ground?
Lord Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Ruler of Immersea
Knight of the Realm of Arabel
As I've said
only registering those who commit crimes using their magic malicously is a fine middle ground
The Arcane Guild has been anointed to register arcane Spellcasters capable of third circle spells and above. It is not a punishment, it is a register of the arcane talents of this Kingdom. It will not be used to discriminate between arcanists, and it will not be used as an insult or punishment.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Forgive my bluntness, Laypriest Dupont,
If we take the foul Izereth as an example, given her many crimes. Do you believe registry would have helped in her case after she already committed all her crimes?
A registry is intended to be a preemptive measure. Registering someone after they already butchered the populace is alas not preemptive.
Lord Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Ruler of Immersea
Knight of the Realm of Arabel
@Ruler said in Spellcaster Registration:
Arcane casters capable of third circle spells and above are required to register their talents with the authorities. Early registration is welcome and encouraged
Divine spell casters are not required to register, as they're governed. Clerics and paladins are governed by the local churches, druids and rangers are governed by the Wildwalkers.Discuss the writing, else this will be final.
The Arbiter of Arabel
Although I have personal dislike of targeting only Arcane spellcasters, this does meet the intent of justice. Divine and Natural spellcasters have a code of some kind that governs their magic. A code that can be predictable in many cases based on their faith and aspect of nature they emulate. The very nature of the arcane requires no code of ethics, merely skill or talent to harness it. This is a more creative way of balancing the scales, that I did not foresee in my initial assessment. I have no further issue with this as written.
-Morpheus Frosthelm
Begin drafting these articles for inclusion to the lawbook draft.
Sir Malcom
//Discussion is closed. Please start adding this to the lawbook//