Tone down Goblin Quests
Can we look at the spawns on the sewer goblins and the goblin canyon quest on the moon sea ride? Those two quests have often spawned multiple elite bone crafter goblins that bring with them multiple uses of Skeletal Warriors. We have more than once pulled groups of 3 of those on the goblin canyon quest and I’ve seen one in the sewer goblins. Also, the goblins ragers in the sewers sometimes spawn 2 at a time with a total of 6 across the quest and it seems spuradic on how often you get them on the quest. Both are max 9 quests with spawns built for a level 10 challenging quest and neither of them rewards enough to be worth the supplies required for the average party to take them down.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bone gobbos are a bug will look into it
glendur could solo earth drakes, but struggled hugely with the pairs of goblin ragers in this quest! just a hint at how hard they hit etc
@Crusader-K said in Tone down Goblin Quests:
elite bone crafter goblins
Sounds like you got spiced because 99% sure those are not part of the spawn tables for those quests. At least not sewer goblins
Resolved Professor 8110
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