Add Resource Nods to Underground: Lower passages
This particular part of the passages is entirely empty - Sometimes some mobs spawn down here but for the rest there no incentive to go here.Back in Chapter 1 there were resource nodes here and I remember me and Draco going down to collect these in particular.
My suggestion is to put some there to encourage players to come down there.
There are nodes in the area, but due to rgn sometimes sections can happen to be empty. Have you checked other parts of the area?
@Puffy Entirely empty. At least - this part of the area accessible through a single entrance.
Check next reset please and let me know if its the same.
@Puffy noted it down, hopefully I remember.
Next reset - Still nothing.
As I said in Discord when you asked about it. Not every area is going to spawn stuff for resources.
the resources are there, it was just luck that there werent any on that particular section of the map (all the underground areas are on one area map)
that said, i increased the number of nodes to spawn v8102
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on