[Cancelled] Master Sarevok > Axani + Vigilant Sun Heresy
Axani/Paladin/Lawful Good/Rue Argothion
Providing the orthodox faction a heretic to hate on and to promote equal justice to all, even on nobles. In short a foil against noble privileges and orthodoxy. Would seek to gather the Vigilant Sun to its castle outside Arabel to reform the order and become a power player once more in politics.
A paladin of the vigilant sun, Rue was originally born in Eveningstar, and joined the vigilant sun just before the cult became less of a major force. Acting as a squire for one of the knights that left Arabel proper, Rue has returned to an Arabel that is not like how he remembered. A firm believer of Gondegal’s Revolution, largely in equal application of thr law, he is horrified to see that not only has the nobility returned to power, but that a bastard of Cormyr has become king, and that this bastard king has allowed eveningstar to be destroyed. Worse by forces he used infernalist, necromantic forces despite these being illegal by the law. Rue feels that the king and queen have betrayed the Great Society by not only not preventing Eveningstars destruction and casting out those who broke the laws against necromancy and infernalism, but has defiled the law by allowing nobles and others of high status to be given allowances for law breaking. This is an affront to the Great Society and all who have perpetrated it must be held to account.
A paladin of the vigilant sun, Rue has become disillusioned of Arabel and feels it’s leaders have betrayed the Great Society and feels that retribution must be brought before all who brought about Eveningstars fall. Not the fallen noble house, who were clearly scapegoats, but the church of cyric. Half orc infernalists and the king who did nothing when his own laws were being broken, and seemed to use it as a way to benefit himself
I like it, don't see why he needs Axani, but I say yes
@SpiffyMeister Nothing about this says axani to me.
I also see a lot of similarities between this and his last few concepts with the pro revolution and anti monarchy sentiment. Which I guess that's fine just feels like hes done that before.
I don't see any goals either. Besides, be a pain in the ass to everybody? -
Too much anti npc for me. Where is the retribution for those that let it happen?
Some more specific ideas of targeting enemies and telling stories that involve others are needed
- Church of Cyric is anathema to everything the Vigilant Sun stands for.
- The Skulls are Bane/Cyric and the insidious tendril of Zhentil keep to gain influence and dominate the region
- Fellowship are remnants of Lathander, cowards, weaklings. One of Eveningstar's own brought the destruction in short sighted pride proving that Amanuatar is superior to the child god Lathander.
- Gondegal's Dream was a lie. The revolution was a lie. Gondegal was a failure. Clinging to the Eternal Revolution means embracing change. Challenge the status quo. VS is about strict order.
- Apathy from adventurers who are parasites on the realm. Forever choosing to remain apart, free from obligations to the Great Society.
- etc....
The app is basically for nothing other than a subrace and to be able to say they are part of some setting group that is not really dm supported. If the concept made any sense to me I'd vote yes.
Need extensive reworking or the player will be in for a massive shock the first time there is an NPC interaction and he gets kicked from the VS for actions that are inconsistent with what the heresy and former faction was all about and is halfway to losing paladinhood.
No based of what echo and prof explained
Tbh the concept works fine as a normal human and really nothing is added by it being Axani.
Swapping vote to no.
Gave the feedback to the player and he will rework it.
App cancelled.
Had a long talk with him and sparked in him some ideas so he will re-app for something else once ready. -
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on