Magical Museum
Module version: 8073
Quest name : Magical Museum
Quests giver : Sorry, cant remember!
ZQA: Sorry, cant remember!
Level range: 7-10
Party requirements:
Number of people that did the quest: 5
Party composition with levels: Guessing: Ranger - 9, Rogue - 7, Fighter -9, Barb -8 , Cleric - 9 (sorry if i got this completely wrong party people)
Quest turn in gp and xp: N/ASorry about the sketchy details, I didn't realise how much info we needed. Echo was there so hopefully they can fill in some of the blanks!
This Quest is very unique, really good fun. I think, if it remains a 7-10 quest it needs a few more spawns, or perhaps slightly harder spawns. Really like that instead of a boss it has an optional room. I think it would be good if this optional room was a lot harder. Really make the players weigh up the pro's and cons before running it. Maybe put a few unique loot opportunities in a chest in that room to tempt people in. Maybe have a monster with a large HP pool and true sight to ensure no one does a smash and grab, it is a security function after all :-)
May have been a bug but all the chests had either gold of pp tokens. Which is fine but could be some interesting thematic loot opportunities.
The quest is reasonably far away from the main city so if the lvl cap was set lower to 6-9 a few more monsters to slay would make it last a little longer, give out a bit more XP to make the trip worth it.
quest is now 6-9
some fixes have been added
some more unique critters have been added
hopefully fixed the bear issue
idkwtfbbq is going on with the loot
tried a few fixes, test and let me know how it goes -
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on