The Assault Upon Griffin Hill
Dame Drakesbane
I hope to have the prototype dismissal sphere ready for testing in the next day or so.
Should it prove sucssesful larger ones could be made for catapults and the hills bombarded before any charge .
If we reclaim the Eastern Marches could we not assualt Tilverton from there?
They likely wouldnt expect it and we'd have the element of suprise.
Naturally if we used this approach other distractions could be made, A few days ago myself and Skull Volkov briefly met a mage called Selene who suggested creating an illusion of soldiers marching on the Hill and using that to gather their attention whilst we attacked elsewhere
She was asked to submit a plan to us to bring before the council but has not yet done so. Still the idea has merit i believe
We certainly could, and while the majority of our forces are there, traversing terrain not properly suited for travel, there forces would march on the city and raid all the surrounding lands and territory.
No, Griffin Hill -Must- be taken.
- Dame Drakesbane
Then I would suggest the massed charge.
It is my hope that the spheres will prove effective in testing.
Portable ones could be given to select adventurers whilst larger ones could be fired from catapults into large concentrations of fiends.
A joint force consisting of Skulls Dall and Fain, Retainer Francesca Vadern, and myself accompanied Skull Volkov to see the barricade from the stonelands to griffin hill destroyed. This allowed a large tribe of lizard folk to assualt from that direction. While Tivlerton's forces won out in the end, they suffred many casualties and will be forced to rebuild the barricades. This act has weakened the forces stationed at Griffen Hill.
- Barra
Excellent work.
- Dame Drakesbane
I would like to add that this was Skull Volkov's plan, one that he has been working on for some time prior to the harassment he has experienced over his religion.
The plan itself has proven quite successful and the Skulls will be discussing how best we might capitalise on the successful negotiation with the Lizards and whether this can be repeated on a second front.
I missed some of the engagement due to an unfortunate case of death, undeath, then death again. An unfortunate affair I will write off in the interests of furthering Skull and Council relations, as we move forward.
Once more the Obsidian Skulls prove we are the eminent fighting force. Let none question our loyalty to our contract to fight His Royal Highnesses enemies.
That is more than can be said for others, I am sure.
Obsidian Skull Barracks
Slingdyke -
I can confirm Skull Dalls assertion
Skull Volklov informed me of the plan and said he was keeping it confidential until performed to prevent any prospective sabotage.
He asked if I knew alternative routes to the Stonelands and I provided him directions to go through the Stormhorns
I have an idea.
It is unpleasant but the truth of it is that war is unpleasant.
Most of Tilvertons farms are outside the walls and are very near the exit from the Wondergrange
A small team could likely approach with stealth and raze the farms and flee back through the Wondergrange.
This would harm their food supply and whilst they undoubtedly have grain storage it would force them to use it quicker.
Starving people do not fight well and they may begin to rebel aiding us from within
We do not fight the peasantry, soldiers are one thing but to make the common folks lives worse is something that only a noble could come up with. I vote no to this, attacking from wondergrange i support but only against military targets.
The peasantry are soldiers though.
Conscripted to fight for Duke Misrim
You may not like it but it would undoubtedly be effective.
Put it up for a vote.
- Dame Drakesbane
If the reports are true, then it is a moot argument and we no longer have access to the Wondergrange nor the Marches as a whole.
I do agree with Master Glendur that the Commonfolk are not our enemies. If anything we should find the means to liberate them and turn them to work for our side. Making them starve is barbaric and unbecoming of the edicts of the Divine Right.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
Given that our options seem to have narrowed we must seek alternative routes.
I believe that the archmage has been contracted?
Maybe it might be possible to alter his terms and use him for a lesser issue, a portal into Tilverton or some such that we can use to attempt a lightning raid to remove Obyn and avoid the looming battle, saving countless lives.
The tunnels can be cleared.
We cannot let this sabotage go unpunished.
An investigation is ongoing
According to reports of the aftermath, it seems that it would take weeks if not months to clear this rubble. With respect, Apprentice, we are not going to wait until you find the time to clear the rubble.
Given the sudden change of the terrain, I shall prepare a proper battle plan.
If you wish to continue clearing the rubble, do so but I doubt the Council or the Crown will allocate any more resources for it.Signed,
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
Ahh but we have a druid, If only they could perform magics to call forth earth elementals to remove the rubble.
I for one find myself utterly lacking in faith as you as a Commander
The mines are unstable and unsuited for an army's passage.
Yes, magic can fix this- but not quickly, not easily, or not without great cost.
We're not fixing some near abandoned mines filled with monsters so we can push forward with the original plan. War calls on us to change strategy, and this is what we must do.
Perform the investigation, punish the culprits, we move onto more important things.
- Dame Drakesbane
Certainly Dame Drakesbane
I do however call for a new Commander.
I will state my case in a seperate file
Dame Drakesbane,
Find written here a copy of our confession to the action yesterday.
Know that these actions were done for the benefit of all Arabel, and know that we will be counted when the battle arrives. On the fornt line of the first charge if you beleive that is where we ought to be.