Random XP Loss
Area name: Calantar's Way Blisterfoot
Server Version: 8064
Screen Shot:Issue Description: Randomly lost 3648 xp . Other people in my party lost XP as well.
Spiffy granted back most of it
Lost nothing. Gained xp from some of the spawns. Gained xp from minor plot.
I didnt loose xp just the gain
Experience was already reimbursed.
bug fix implemented
a dm will find you to reimburse xp loss -
Certain players were opted into the new XP system refactoring for testing purposes in a controlled environment. Most of the tests were done solo without a party so the issue was discovered only now in this manner.
We have moved our test group back to the original XP system until we can resolve the issue, which we intend to do later today.
@icedice spiffy Gave me back mine
any further issues with this?
has everyone been reimbursed? -
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on