DarrienX/I wanna Be a Golem [DENIED]
Account: XXDarrienX
Past characters: (Previous characters): Elrath Tanal, Alisan Lightstaff, Kethro Starfire(predates current version of COA
Time Zone: CentralCharacter Name: Eve
Deity: Kossuth
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: FighterWHAT ARE YOU APPLYING FOR: Humanoid Flesh Golem
Biography: Along with 12 other Female Slaves were experimented on by the Thayans in order to create a Super Soldier, they modified and clone human female slaves with material that of a Flesh Golem. The clones were aware of their status and wanted to escape their creators yoke so some of them are able to fool their masters and manage to escape. Each clone appears like a young girl but are hardened killers. A design flaw in them cause them to go berzerk and the flaw depends on the clone. Eves design flaw is two fold, one she is hates anything resembling Thayans that experimented on her and will cause her to go mad, she is also afraid of fire and thus weak to fire.
Goals: (The who, the how.) Her goal is to hunt down Thayanas, do to them what they did to her if possible by any means necessary while also trying to find more of the clones of her and resscue them.
Notes: This concept is based on an Adventure I ran long ago on another RP server so I thought I would try to adapt one of the Flesh Golems as a character itself. I know this concept seems a little off wall but. One other aspect of Golems is that with each time they go berzerk they are changing and growing increasingly inhuman so it will be more obvious as time goes on what she is. I am also open to suggestions to make this concept work.
Darn. Wasn’t first to vote no to this disaster
tl;dr snowflake pc who wants to hunt non-existent enemy because the player thinks there's a thayan embassy still in the region.
@spiffymeister said in DarrienX/I wanna Be a Golem:
Her goal is to hunt down Thayanas
Don't exist.
Right, whats the rest of the things they'll do in ga.... oh
@spiffymeister said in DarrienX/I wanna Be a Golem:
I am also open to suggestions to make this concept work.
To make it work.
Start again, with a concept that suits a PC, not part of a DM plot that's probably a one shot mini boss. Also, probably need to learn a bit about the current server.
Why do people even apply for these nonexistent sub races to begin with?
Because we say "anything is possible"
Which it technically is, but also, many things are unlikely.
Good example of someone who needs to play and get a feeling of the setting
@puffy said in DarrienX/I wanna Be a Golem:
Good example of someone who needs to play and get a feeling of the setting
Informed the player the app was denied for the following:
Spiffy — Today at 10:15 AM
Alright,- App was denied because there are no thayans in the setting, and thus, your only and singular goal is irrelevant.
- We do not want to create a golem subrace.
- We feel you should play the server and get a feel for the current setting before applying for a subrace.
@spiffymeister said in DarrienX/I wanna Be a Golem [DENIED]:
Informed the player the app was denied for the following:
Spiffy — Today at 10:15 AM
Alright,- App was denied because there are no thayans in the setting, and thus, your only and singular goal is irrelevant.
- We do not want to create a golem subrace.
- We feel you should play the server and get a feel for the current setting before applying for a subrace.
Good job Spiffy.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on