[Confirmation] Draco / Fellowship
Half elf /rogue-fighter /Chaotic neutral/9/Alain JhaerApplying For:
Fellowship of the Round TableGoals:
At his core, Alain is a PC trying to "fix the broken system."Alain will be a vigilante, taking the fight to evil he views the establishment too corrupt, or inept, to tackle. Those that act with impunity due to red tape will be a particular focus. Privilege or good connections should not protect a man from his dues.
Alain will be a heavy user of propaganda. He wants to get the message out there. Loudly. The inconvenient truths, as he views them, will be his focus. Ensuring nothing is swept under the carpet and a light is shone in even the darkest corner.
His particular bug bear, owing to his background, is the Duke and all associated with him. Expect countering Tilverton to be his priority whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Alain is a half elf who has spent most of his life living with his elven father in a small and mostly elven settlement outside the region.He was born, however, in the Eveningstar some thirty years ago (so pre revolution) and his mother’s family were still living there as far as he is aware, so he came to the region and found to his horror the town had been devastated by terrorism and war.
Fueled by a want for vengeance, if not justice, he makes his way in the world..
Looks fine enough to me, think it's the sort of faction that Draco would suit, too.
@hangman said in Draco / Fellowship:
Looks fine enough to me, think it's the sort of faction that Draco would suit, too.
Yeah already proven himself an agent of chaos
Does Glendur think he's alright?
I doubt it, its a Draco PC.
I thought he was trying to become a Cormaeril Bannerman.... ?
I don't think so, his plan was always to join the Crownguard and sort of police them from the inside. But I spoke with him this morning to encourage him away as it was never going to happen.
5 Yes, looks good.
24hr Confirmation.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 21 13:45:10] Francesca Vandern: Ser Mordecai says he gave you a task... perhaps to become a Bannerman?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 21 13:45:50] Alain Jhaer: well orginaly it was to prove my worth for a suit
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 21 13:46:05] Alain Jhaer: but in all honesty I might sign onHence my thinking he was going to be a bannerman :)
Thats Draco for you. Pinball.
Set, key given no wage
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