Resting not working
Area name: All areas
Issue Location: All areas
Quest Name:N/A
Store Name: N/A
NPC Name:N/A
NPC Location:N/A
Server Version: 7761
Screen Shot:Issue Description: After resting just after reset I have been unable to rest again, it keeps saying not tired enough wait 8 hours but the timer never goes down
I just ran a test of the Faceless rest and then ran another test at the crown barracks specifically.
Both rest attempts were successfully completed. I'll leave this open for now. Please let us know what happens after a reset (which is the same version for the last couple days) and after you have completely logged out/shut down steam and tried again.
Edit: I'll hang out on a PC and see about the timer
Probly a variable got stuck on your somehow, possibly trigger related.
Reset should fix it
Can confirm on a couple PCs the rest timer is not working. As Zool said, we'll see what happens with a reset first since nothing has been done for the last few days in the module and nothing to the rest system for a much longer time.
A reset doesnt seem to have fixed it, You can still only rest once then the timer stays stuck on 8 hours before next rest
fixed 7762
P Puffy moved this topic from Bug Reports on