Consider rewinding some of the recent changes
i do not think the xp was the issue, it was the gold and the easy accumulation of said gold by some individuals(me) which caused the problem and created a situation where is had to be removed. i have found a new routine to do when i am alone on the server, or when i am unable to meet up with other players/characters, be they on a quest train, or on a dm event (which i sometimes am able to follow along on, depending on the "climate" in the game). the new routine does not yield me the gold that i once had available, but it does provide me with decent day to day gold to cover sendings and inn rent as well as providing prestige points. There are even physical manifestations in game which can be seen to indicate i have been on (once you know them, and there till the next reset)
Darlene, it was not just you. There were quite a few players who were having no risk and plenty of reward and that just was not in line with our vision of the server. Characters having over a 100K coin and level 10 and having no risk to get there was a problem.
@echo 120k
<.< (you did say over.....) -
@echo Okay 4-8.
i wonder if some kind of "exception, can be instituted if no one else on, certain 4-10 level, group 2 and larger can be made to support just one, if there is no one else on the server?" if this is a pain to try and write, just say so, sometimes being on alone and trying to find stuff to do can be quite lonely. i have followed other peoples advice, and made sendings when i am on alone in the hope someone is thinking of logging and seeing the note on discord and think of doing something (i realize most are likely asleep, but i thought i would ask)
those walking quests, i have been shown two so far and rather like them ,perhaps again if it is not a pain to institute "if 1 make end gold not the couple hundred gold, but make it 40 or less, and have less creatures as those can be a cash grab as well if they are numerous"
@darlene-te-len the levels are set on variables on the npc quest-give (see below). They can be modified live/in-game by a DM, with a console command, but they're pretty set otherwise.
Are there any quests a level 10 character would technically be able/allowed to do alone?
I am aware that, at high levels, it is much preferred to involve others (and it’s more fun!) but if someone is willing to be on alone like that for prolonged periods, and no one else can be coaxed into logging in - then having at least a few more questing-related things to do might help?
The Team is discussing adjusting some of the "walk" quests. Any changes will be announced.
@echo, i just completed this one today as it was meant to be done, with a small group (2 of us in this instance, but it would have been more fun had i been able to get one or a couple more to join us, this is a wonderful walk quest for RP, which can and is done with ease) it is possible these types of quests could become "cash cows" if they are not scaled back financially for anyone wishing to complete them solo
the end gold and the saleable items from the animals/creatures might make this something of a exploit for a well equipped/setup solo adventurer, i will not go into detail for fear of spoilers, but there was a small amount of risk to my character, more so than in the fetch ones of the past, and two sets of the care spawns were nice, and a bit of a challenge which was nice, the one put some fear and respect into my character, a unprepared overconfident solo character deciding to simply dash through it might have a unpleasant surprise (the one encounter, in the rock scissors paper that is arabel in magic, i was presented with scissors to my paper, got my heart beating, but we prevailed in the end, thanks to a well equipped and suitably buffed archer)
this is one i would prefer to do in a group, if my login times and others permit it, it a very enjoyable romp with others with breaks in action that make rp rather easy, if i have a choice to do this one alone or even with only 2, i would try to pick the 2, but it would be nice to have a solo option for times when no one is around (if this is even possible to setup as a solo)
@darlene-te-len said in Consider rewinding some of the recent changes:
just completed this one today
Which one was this?
It was this one:
Immerflow (4-10)
Party Size: 2-20
Quest Giver: Dagmar Steelbarrow, located in East Way, Masoner's Bridge -
That one will not be made into a solo quest. -
Change the raise dead and resurrection prices back to what they were before.
Our numbers are pretty low. Better to encourage raising by any means then being like 'oh well that stuff is so expensive I may as well white light seeing as I'll lose a level, maybe 2. ' It's not fun.
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