DENIED: Draco/Luna/Precept
Human/Sorcerer/LE/7/Luna de Vries
Precept App
With Luna there’s two major directions of plot to her story with the Precept.- Mastering her magic and turning it to purposes past explosions.
Luna’s magic at its heart is about energy creation and manipulation. Creating explosions is easy, but powering and enchanting artefacts is totally within her range and were I want to take her plot wise, helping other people by making magic items for their plot needs.
Grander vision wise, Luna wants to build a golem/golems to defend the Precept and it’s interests. Figuring out to power and build them will be steps that can be realised on smaller projects. Likely this will start with binding elementals into items, but will likely move towards binding druidic spirits and other magical forces whose binding will likely cause strife! - Turing the Precept into a powerful force of effective order.
With the Crownguard not exactly doing their job well and the streets full of rats and their droppings, there’s opportunity for another power to move into the gap of law enforcement. Luna is starting to work towards this by first gathering a ‘bodyguard’ of adventurers. Ideally, she wants future Bloodhounds, but she’s willing to cut deals with other groups if she can get boots on the street playing to her tune.
Once she’s able, she plans to enforce Arabel’s laws with brutal punishments designed to push the idea the Precept is judge, jury and executor in all criminal cases, not just Strays. In this she will be fair, but brutal, to spread the idea that the Precept brings order that the Crownguard can’t provide.
Background -Luna was born to reasonably successful, but modest, furniture merchants from Waterdeep. However her awaking sorcery caused her parents to think she was cursed and sick, and then after badly burning her mother by accident, she ran away from home to live on rats in the sewers, terrified of hurting others with her powers.
Eventually a mysterious monk of Bane known as Subtle Dread took her under his wing for a while, and through his harsh disciplined she learned to control and use her magic for purpures past direct attacks and to ‘manage’ her powers well enough to mix with others once more.
She met up with Zander (Cpt_Elrad) shortly after and bonded with him over their joint faith in Bane and started traveling together, with Luna seeking ways to master her powers and Zander watching her back.
Luna is a walking fire hazard and struggles to keep her powers in check, with things like shaking her hand an extremely good way to get burned/drained/zapped (but mostly burned). Feel free to have random combustion events happen near her, especially if she is stressed, injured or otherwise distracted - Mastering her magic and turning it to purposes past explosions.
She's already disobeying orders from Precept Scions... -
I'm a simple man. I see a draco app I vote no.
@echo said in Draco/Luna/Precept:
She's already disobeying orders from Precept Scions...
Based of this, no. Precept needs damage control
Six no's, calling this denied
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on
Puffy — Today at 08:57
As Luna has already failed to follow Valloth's orders and been disruptive publicly, the Precept has decided to reject her membership.