Storm in a Sphere
It's a Telthor. Ignore what I called it before.
Don’t care.
Want it.
When is a good time for everyone to assemble?
Found a tribute to get this thing to come and say hello.
I'll be around this most bells this cycle or the next few.
//For the next 13 hours. Otherwise, between 16:00 - 00:00 GMT+0 weekdays.
@miss_behaviour @SpiffyMeister same. ((Anything from around 6pm gtm to xxx pm works for me. ))
//With a heads up I can be around most of the time.
Nice work, Nix!
// 6PM to 12PM GMT time works best for me, though can stretch. Just need to know ahead of time
If we do want to try and go a different route, I can sap elemental essence from elementals now. We don't need to bring illuminated blade or anyone else into this and risk our lives from addle-coved. If they are going to keep us from getting home, they are no friends of ours.
Summarisin' from last cycle:
We got trolley-whomped and didn't get to scrag the air dancer.
Relationships with lemons is intact, except for Lash Morarji who did some religious blek to Flip and left her with a scar. Lash has her own scar now though, so I guess your Power had your back after all, Flip.Found out from Fye that all those berks only though to ask a druid about the Telthor after they took an army of bodies to meet us and they found out the sodding thing's not as powerful or valuable as Barra told them.
Safe to say they're embarassed and upset about Barra's screed.
I'll try get the full dark on that and see if they'll change their minds and take us back there or if we still gotta find an alternative.Finally, a body called Rask what wears a skull helm and full black armour made a quiet threat on my and the rest of you bods' lives after the mob got us. Were gonna slit my throat til Fye stepped close and helped patch me up.
Rask's in the Fer-de-lance, so be peery of those bods.Nix
Bit of a set back, but no matter.
Keep your ears to the ground and we'll find ourselves another Spirit. I am not going to spoil their victory by sneaking behind their back unless we have no other choice.
That said, I do have us a lead on the Essence of Water- but this time, keep your damn clams shut. Invite who you trust and no one else.
- Gills
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Talked with Fye about the storm.
After visiting a mountaintop that had connections with elemental air we came up with an idea of an ritual to gather enough air elementals to summon a storm, perhaps using a ritual of summoning from my goddess, Aerdrie Faenya. And then bottle it's essence. Figured I get the opinion of the bod in charge of this Ritual.
Vale, Servant of the Storm