[Withdrawn by Player]OLOUTHCansin/Ranger/CG/Level/Felicity Hawke
Cansin/Ranger/CG/Level/Felicity Hawke (Flip) NOTE: If I complain about the ECL, feel free to ban my ass ( I know what I am asking)
I am applying for Cansin subrace, and Company of the breach member.
Flip is a champion of the underdog, downtrodden and dreamers of better days to come. If the cause is good, she cares little for laws and rules, and bullies can collect their teeth from the floor, if she has a say in it. She firmly believes that the Goddess of Fate places her wherever she is needed, and that her role is to do as much good as she can. She will but heads with the Crownguard, placing herself between them and their victims. She will inspire others to the thrill of adventure, with treasure hunts and tests of daring. With a “the more the merrier”, she will launch adventurers into the Halls, the smugglers tunnels and whatever dungeons I can get my hands on, letting the adventure itself be the aim for letting others shine, and help push their plots as much as my own. But chaos follows her like a shadow, and her biggest struggle is to make good intentions and good results meet. I will use the chaos as a tool to make enemies escape, make plans fail to progress the story, and focus more on the story than the win itself.
Finally, she will “preach” the teachings of Tymora outside the established church, hopefully becoming Tymora’s champion in time, but not necessarily of the church. -
Flip was chased out of her village for being a jinx. Discarded and alone, she told herself it was the gods leading her on. Whenever bad shit came her way, it was a test to be overcome, and every opportunity was to be celebrated as a gift of Tymora. Offering her services as a tracker and guard, she eventually made her way to Sigil, where Sir Winthrop helped her out of a jail, in exchange for assistance.
Flip has eladrin blood, giving her an appearance of an aasimar half elf, with silver hair. Different colored eyes (one gold, the other silver), golden ish skin. Her hair moves in a way that denounces gravity, Flip always seems to find chaos, drama strife or fighting. I plan to play the character as unnaturally impulsive, portray the odd appearance (perhaps we have a toggle for glowing eyes or some such), and unnaturally attracted to chaos.
Whose app is this? Yours?
@echo Olouth the noob forgot his name
Olouth realized they don't need Cansin stats and they don't like ECL so they're withdrawing this app.
Haha. I was going to vote no because he’s a pain every time we’ve done a subrace for him but figured I didn’t really care enough to make a big deal.
This is better.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on
Good. I was going to vote no after the last round of OMG ECL SO BAD .