File: The Elven Fellowship
Got a full statement.
I confronted the elf Saeharice on the road by Slingdyke, roughly one hour before the Battle in the Blasted Lands took place.
I questioned him as to his plans for the Eye of Hornan, as well as it's Location.
Saeharice at first thought me to be an Agent of Izereth, and when I corrected this he claimed that the Eye was bait to draw out 'shadows' to be killed. He claims the Eye itself is now beyond the reach of all, even himself, and has been given to nature.I then questioned him on the accusations of Kidnapping, which he did not deny. He confirmed the Elven Fellowship had given Amaire to Izereth to try and buy themselves into her favour, apparently to strike her down from within, but claims that their true intention was revealed to her. He showed no remorse for this and stated that he would repeat the action if it were deemed necessary and cared not for the judgements of Man.
It was at this point that my emotions got the better of me and I engaged him in combat, with the intent to bring him to the city. However, he called a giant spider from the surrounding treeline and together they were able to overpower me and knock me unconcious. I awoke with potions of healing left beside me, and then the Bloodhound Pilotess came from the Helmlands, to inform me of exodus from the Seeker Base.
This is all that is relevant to your questioning.
Leona Noel
I think it’s time we brought these elves in, I think all these charges are relevant.
-Treason- The Act of Aiding the Enemies of Arabel, and its Leader, or its People. Concealing the actions of foreign agents, their locations, or otherwise siding with opposing national powers over Kingdom of Arabel.
-Kidnapping- Taking an individual against their will, for any purpose, without consent or Warrant for Capture issued by the Councils.
-Evasion of a Peace Official- Intentional deception, evasion, or misdirection aimed at a member of the Council or Militia.
The biggest Issue with the Elven Fellowship is their utter lack of respect for Crown authority, and loyalty to the Crown is mandatory.
They completely ignore all orders given to them by the Crownguard, -repeatedly-.
They meet and have secret deals with Arabel’s most vile enemies in the form of Izereth.
They do secret magic rites of unknown purpose and great power in the Hullack.
They base themselves in High Crimmond (a hotbed of treason) and seek to recruit a warband based there.
They attempted to sell the Eye of Hornam the Wretched, an artefact that could easily be used to create major chaos like damaging the Goldfeather ward, on the open market!
They have shown a clear hatred of humanity and have threatened members of Arabels elven blooded community, as well as insulted them with great frequency for being ‘tainted’ by humanity. If there not full members of the Eldreth Veluuthra yet, it’s only a matter of time. With their new Great Druid in the Hullack, we could be swarming in elven terrorist trying to end human rule in the weeks and months to come.
We also have Leona's letter to add to the Amaire kidnapping evidence that’s been discussed previously. Amaire kidnapping led to the deaths of the whole Angelmorn family in the Aster. There loss has been keenly felt, and you only have to look at Dominic’s posters to see how useful the Angelmorns were in helping us keep Arabel safe.
It’s time to end this Elven Fellowship, it time to make it clear that loyalty to the Crown is not optional and protect our realm from there dangerous influence.
I still do not think treason is valid.
Treason is most commonly armed rebellion to try and overthrow the Crown, The elves have not done this.
I believe this is most valid
-Arabellan Citizenship- People of civilized descent that does not pose an inherent risk to the Kingdom of Arabel are automatically considered citizens within the Kingdom of Arabel. Creatures of evil such as Drow, Lycanthropes, Undead, and other monsters are to be killed on sight ((Normal PvP rules apply)) Conspiracy with, and/or assisting creatures of evil and traitors of the Kingdom, will result in being named a non-citizen and other charges at the discretion of the Realm. Those not considered citizens, are not protected by any law. Descents considered civilized are the following but children under their majority may not be harmed ((PCs are always considered Adults regardless of age. Children concepts are not supported)):
They certainly have assisted Izereth who was a traitor to the Kingdom
Follow the bounty request guidelines and see where it goes.
I've sent the following in
It seems the most legitimate charges in this case
Make it nice and high is my feeling. Aiding Arabel most hated foe is serous alone, the fact we lost so many good Aster warriors in the chain of events it started is far worse.
I'll request ten thousand.
Bounty is up, time to bring these drow spider goddess loving filth to justice.
Cease setting fires in a forest. You do realise unchecked fires spread quickly don't you?
The webbed maze is also near to Firefall Grove which is where House Summerstars ancestral home is. Damaging that with fire would be very bad for you.
Stop complaining Dominic and help me catch the criminal scum who hide from us.
I'll be rather surprised if a fire centred on the Webbed Maze reaches the estate.. .on the other hand if we clear out the spiders, in the future we have lovely medows suitable for hunting parties of the far more enjoyable sort.
No, I wont help you commit arson and burn a forest. Such criminal acts are unbecoming
I propose we offer Saerhaice service to the Crown if he turns himself in, He can slay with his Elven Fellowship either Smash Nose or the leader of the Lycan packs, Saerhaice does want to become war leader of the druids after all and I doubt elves wish to ally with lycans or giants.
We must remember he did not kill the Anglemorns, But Amaire died when Maire attacked cultists who had their blades and bows at her throat thinking she would be able to raise her, then Maire and Alparin threw themselves into fire after Amaires corpse was burnt
He handed her to Izereth Doninic, IZERETH! A bloody monster who enjoyed mutating people into horrors and sending them insane!
Any fool who knew Marie would know she was going to try and save her sister at any cost. I also thought you considered the Angelmorns friends.... but the fact your so willing to cut deals with the one who doomed them makes me wonder if your friendship was skin deep.
You certintly seem rather keen on backstabbing your fellow Crownguard at every opptunity.
Maire flat out said, I do not care if Amaire dies, We will raise her. She condemned her to death with her own actions
I did consider them close friends yet this does not change the facts of what occured.
We are not the Greywatch, we deal in justice, Not vengeance
I am not backstabbing anyone. I am stopping you committing crimes and embarrassing the Crown Guard further
Sounds like you rather bow to Saerhaice and spit on the grave of friends, rather than hunt him down like a Crownguard should to me.
Of if you want to prove you do have valor, then you best be boots on the ground for the hunts to bring the Fellowship in to face justice, becuse if were not using fire, then we are going to have to hunt them very aggresively in there twisted maze of a home.
And no deals, these elves are scum of the first order that murdered heros.
It seems your desires for vengeance blind your eyes to justice. Perhaps you should remove your amulet of Lathander and replace it with one of Hoar
Like it or not the fellowship murdered no one.
No they gave a hero to a witch so she could do vile magics and inflict a fate worse than death on her. I know I know rather die then be Izereth's play thing.
I use to think you held yourself to a higher cause and didn't make deal with monsters Dominic, but it seems your quite willing to stab your friends in the back when it's convent.
You disgust me.
On a diffrent note it seems Saerhaice is using the Eye of Hornam the Wretched for divinations from a sending he made the other night. Considering it seems likely contact with Hornam was what sent Izereth insane, I guess we be seeing him turn into a crazy beholder cultist before long.
No matter how much you might want it to be the case Saerhices crime whilst wicked does not warrant execution. Kidnapping is a fine or restitution to the councils
You'll notice the bounty Is alive, not dead or alive.
Instead of accepting this because you cannot get things your own way you decide to embarrass the Crown Guard with quite frankly terrible poetry insulting me.
I suggest you take it down before you further ruin yourself and Miss Florents reputation with your childish behaviour
He sold her to a monster knowing her fate was death or worse, its was effectively murder by Beholder cultist in my eyes. Also by selling her, they were directly aiding a enermy of the state as well.
And lets not forget to add they clearly have no loyaty to the the Crown and very eager to use that beholders eye for divinations, a eagerness that likely seals a beholder cultist fate. So I do wonder if you be willing to bet your uniform on them not doing future capital crimes if you think there such upstanding people?
Your eyes are a bit weird then Adelaide.
They kidnapped and sold someone to a powerful eye freak, but it wasn't certain at all what was goin to happen to them, until they, apparently, threw themselves into a stupid situation.
They are evil elven scumbags, yeah, but they didn't murder this gal, they kidnapped her. Sounds like your on a personal thing to me.
(low born, so don't worry about being too polite)