File: The Elven Fellowship
I've sent the following in
It seems the most legitimate charges in this case
Make it nice and high is my feeling. Aiding Arabel most hated foe is serous alone, the fact we lost so many good Aster warriors in the chain of events it started is far worse.
I'll request ten thousand.
Bounty is up, time to bring these drow spider goddess loving filth to justice.
Cease setting fires in a forest. You do realise unchecked fires spread quickly don't you?
The webbed maze is also near to Firefall Grove which is where House Summerstars ancestral home is. Damaging that with fire would be very bad for you.
Stop complaining Dominic and help me catch the criminal scum who hide from us.
I'll be rather surprised if a fire centred on the Webbed Maze reaches the estate.. .on the other hand if we clear out the spiders, in the future we have lovely medows suitable for hunting parties of the far more enjoyable sort.
No, I wont help you commit arson and burn a forest. Such criminal acts are unbecoming
I propose we offer Saerhaice service to the Crown if he turns himself in, He can slay with his Elven Fellowship either Smash Nose or the leader of the Lycan packs, Saerhaice does want to become war leader of the druids after all and I doubt elves wish to ally with lycans or giants.
We must remember he did not kill the Anglemorns, But Amaire died when Maire attacked cultists who had their blades and bows at her throat thinking she would be able to raise her, then Maire and Alparin threw themselves into fire after Amaires corpse was burnt
He handed her to Izereth Doninic, IZERETH! A bloody monster who enjoyed mutating people into horrors and sending them insane!
Any fool who knew Marie would know she was going to try and save her sister at any cost. I also thought you considered the Angelmorns friends.... but the fact your so willing to cut deals with the one who doomed them makes me wonder if your friendship was skin deep.
You certintly seem rather keen on backstabbing your fellow Crownguard at every opptunity.
Maire flat out said, I do not care if Amaire dies, We will raise her. She condemned her to death with her own actions
I did consider them close friends yet this does not change the facts of what occured.
We are not the Greywatch, we deal in justice, Not vengeance
I am not backstabbing anyone. I am stopping you committing crimes and embarrassing the Crown Guard further
Sounds like you rather bow to Saerhaice and spit on the grave of friends, rather than hunt him down like a Crownguard should to me.
Of if you want to prove you do have valor, then you best be boots on the ground for the hunts to bring the Fellowship in to face justice, becuse if were not using fire, then we are going to have to hunt them very aggresively in there twisted maze of a home.
And no deals, these elves are scum of the first order that murdered heros.
It seems your desires for vengeance blind your eyes to justice. Perhaps you should remove your amulet of Lathander and replace it with one of Hoar
Like it or not the fellowship murdered no one.
No they gave a hero to a witch so she could do vile magics and inflict a fate worse than death on her. I know I know rather die then be Izereth's play thing.
I use to think you held yourself to a higher cause and didn't make deal with monsters Dominic, but it seems your quite willing to stab your friends in the back when it's convent.
You disgust me.
On a diffrent note it seems Saerhaice is using the Eye of Hornam the Wretched for divinations from a sending he made the other night. Considering it seems likely contact with Hornam was what sent Izereth insane, I guess we be seeing him turn into a crazy beholder cultist before long.
No matter how much you might want it to be the case Saerhices crime whilst wicked does not warrant execution. Kidnapping is a fine or restitution to the councils
You'll notice the bounty Is alive, not dead or alive.
Instead of accepting this because you cannot get things your own way you decide to embarrass the Crown Guard with quite frankly terrible poetry insulting me.
I suggest you take it down before you further ruin yourself and Miss Florents reputation with your childish behaviour
He sold her to a monster knowing her fate was death or worse, its was effectively murder by Beholder cultist in my eyes. Also by selling her, they were directly aiding a enermy of the state as well.
And lets not forget to add they clearly have no loyaty to the the Crown and very eager to use that beholders eye for divinations, a eagerness that likely seals a beholder cultist fate. So I do wonder if you be willing to bet your uniform on them not doing future capital crimes if you think there such upstanding people?
Your eyes are a bit weird then Adelaide.
They kidnapped and sold someone to a powerful eye freak, but it wasn't certain at all what was goin to happen to them, until they, apparently, threw themselves into a stupid situation.
They are evil elven scumbags, yeah, but they didn't murder this gal, they kidnapped her. Sounds like your on a personal thing to me.
(low born, so don't worry about being too polite) -
I do not make bets with oath breakers who cannot even grasp basic legal concepts.
The elves did not murder the Anglemorns, Their deaths whilst tragic is not on the Fellowship. Kidnapping is a serious offence with a sentence of a fine or Restitution to the councils.
Aiding other criminals is usually re-education as seen in Qo'is case. Getting rid of the leader of the giants or the lycans the druids are allied with would be fitting. Especially as Ursula, June and Eo the Mouse were oath bound to a Dwarven spirit to kill Smash Nose after the war and Mouse is the only one left alive
Dear Seddy
Please tell me how things would have ended well, after they sold the Dawnsquire to a freakish monster who hated Eveningstar and enjoyed doing things like human sacrfice?
They knew they were giving her a horrid fate.
I dunno, maybe if they gave her what she wanted, she'd have been let go?
Heard she let some spellsword go?
Maybe not, but seems like a better shot than throwing your entire family into a fire.
Duke Misrim is inquiring into the state of this case.
If an equitable settlement occurs, he is willing to overlook indiscretions occurring in his lands in regards to these elves.
- Beatrice