Crafting Failure should grant (a small % of) XP
Hello, my name is Paramour and I believe that, if you fail a crafting roll, you should receive a small amount of XP.
My reasoning is that this will make the earlier levels of crafting less frustrating without being too overpowered at later levels. It is possible to be very unlucky, and that can be discouraging.
This has been discussed but while it may make it "less frustrating" to level, it also will make it easy to just spam out of range recipes to level up at a ridiculously fast rate. For example, if you have a 10% chance of making an item right now, you might not risk it. But if you know you'll get xp anyway, you wont care and try to make the roll.
Some of the "loss" has been offset by not making you lose all the items of the recipe upon failure.
Also, it would require a complete rewrite of the crafting system and every single recipe (over
13001500 of them btw!). -
You don't get xp for almost killing a monster.
Suffice to say, I don't think you should get xp for almost succeeding either.
Having done a lot of crafting on this server, I don't mind failing and not getting xp. IC my character gets a little bummed about messing up on said item, but it's a learning experience for them. When they then do succeed on crafting an item, I emote them as getting excited and feeling accomplished that they succeeded at crafting an item, (when they may only have a 45% chance of success). Potions and spells you can cast do help if you want to try and ensure success. Just don't get discouraged, it can be frustrating but as you get higher level it gets more rewarding.
Echo's reply did it for me. If it's not possible; also, people deliberately failing really complex things over and over just for xp would be immersion-breaking for me.
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on