Arabel - The Faceless Rest
I did wonder why it was called the Faceless Rest, I wondered what that even meant. Then I examined the portrait behind the inn keeper.
I think this is a case of bad translation, the painting behind the desk is described as a "faceless woman", but the painting isn't faceless, it's quite a strong face, with thick eye brows, a large nose, strong jaw line, and it's a man. I think it was meant to be named after a nameless woman, or a woman who's name was forgotten.
Maybe the inn could be renamed to "The Nameless Inn", or we could hold a poll to think of a different name, which could be fun?
Also behind Tabby Teapot the painting describing a "Golden Goose flying above an ivory tower", is a dragon flying above a castle.
Neither issue is pressing, but it does kind of make the module look rough around the edges.
@qtimeparadox The previous bartender had a conversation that explained the name, resent events removed her.
Also, we only have so many appearances for placeables in our haks.
@qtimeparadox This is one of those 'we only have so many appearances.'
While we could, in theory, find a faceless picture and create a 3d model for our own haks, then modify the appearance number for the placable and connect it to the mdl file required...
It's not worth the time/effort for a single picture. This is hours of work which is better spent on something more...
eyes the exploding goblins
This post is deleted! -
@toportime Really? Ok I guess that sort of explains it :)
I actually thought that this module was translated at some point, because I noticed a few errors in tenses and small mistakes with plurals from time to time in different conversations.
I did make my own Faceless Woman though haha.
Some of our DM's don't have English as a first language, so there are some minor grammar errors.
they don't mind them being pointed out though, so please do bug report any you find.
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