Vote:Crushing the Rebellion
Is this an 'all or none' bartering? Can we not say yes on some and no on others?
Pardon the Lower House for arming rebels -- No
Pardon Redlock for insighting riot -- Yes only for the reason she is high shaman in the Luck Goddess service.
Pardon the Lower House for turning people into monsters with mushrooms -- No
Erect a shrine to the false god Gondegal in the Historic District -- No but they can put a shrine in the Manticore if the owners do not object.
Hand over the coach driver -- No but he must pay a sum that is determined by the Council directly to the family, not to Ercole or his men.I did think there were other demands, but I am not seeing them written here.
Ursula -
I believe it is all or nothing. If we don't move with force to end the rebellion and don't meet their demands they will certainly incite more insurrection
I have listed the demands I remember,
Redlock also armed the rebels, before the riots started there were strong rumours they had locked the temple and were issuing weaponry inside.
Whilst clergy of officially recognised faiths do get some legal protection it doesn't and most certainly shouldn't include attacking the city and attempting to force a way into the palace which the rioters were trying
Sir Pierre
Ursula the Lower House wants all their demands met, or they won't give in. Even if we give them their demands, Ercole and his men are well known liars. Likely there will be peace for a short time, then they will start more riots and killing more people. If we want as few deaths as possible, we need to stomp this rebellion out.
I feel with the Purple Dragon activity in the region the real question is if its a good idea to send in the army.
Dawnbrother Tristan
There isn't any Purple Dragon activity in the region to speak of. Theres a very small garrison in Colinwood but that is it
The vast majority of the army went to fight the Tuigan Horde.
I find it likely that the Lower House perhaps caught a patrolling soldier near Colinwood and dragged them to Arabel and locked them up claiming they were in the slums. Almost everything Ercole says is a lie after all
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sending in the army and it wont put the city at risk
Sir Pierre
We have a confirmed team of Purple Dragons busy in the middle of the city. Ercole claims a assasanation team, rumor state several and respecful persons have seen a escaped prisoner.
We can't take this threat lightly.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Is a criminal and heretic your buddy now Tristan? Want to know what actually happened? We did a raid on the lower houses base. Hightower decided to let a purple dragon loose. Most of us figured our goal is fighting the lower house. Not some random purple dragon. He fled and we continued searching the base for Ercole and his men. No assassinations were made. So really, the only threat right now is Ercole and his men murdering innocent people, including possibly the child that he is blaming a noble for running over. So are we done with your purple dragon tantrum and move on to more important threats, or will you continue to sit here and harp on the purple dragons? Which Ercole brought into the city, so you can blame him for that threat.
We are you freeing state foes?
Dawnbrother Tristian
No, there is not a confirmed team
There are rumours from Ercole, a known liar. A man who has murdered Therku and given his corpse to The Lady of Bells to become a shadow undead, A man who murdered Draegan a bloodhound of the Precept and gave you stolen goods Tristran to set you against the Precept. He also mutates the common man he supposedly cares about with mushrooms which Ursula says the circle of druids believe are no longer natural. Nothing Ercole says should be believed
We don't know where he found the Purple Dragon he captured.
Right now you are doing Ercoles bidding Tristan, which makes you either a traitor or an imbecile,
Sir Pierre
I am not being sure what one thing has to do with the other. You say Ercole 'claims' something, and 'rumor' claims something, but where is being proof of this something?
Urusla -
Ursula according to this file here:
Ercole is saying that these items he got off a Precept member they murdered, is designed to keep everyone who isn't a sorcerer from their gifts. Divine, and the weave. However, these items are designed to be used on people who use magic for evil. Like people who summon demons, devils, or have gone crazy.
Now he is spreading rumors that there are Purple Dragons running around the city and assassinating people. However, that rumor isn't true. If it would help, I can meet up with you and explain it more.
Ursula had Jim speak with us as a favor he owed the Wildwalkers. She asked that I clarify them here. The items of necromancy were taken from goblins. He believes that they were going to turn them in, when things settled down. He isn't sure why Ercole brought the Purple Dragon into their dungeons. Probably either for someone to fight, or for some kind of entertainment. We cleared up the fact that there wasn't a whole alleyway of Purple Dragons, and it was just one of them. However, he said that they killed the rest of that Purple Dragon's platoon, just the one is left. He also claims that the Lower House doesn't have a relationship with the Lady of the Bells, that they have fought her minions off themselves. He also said Ercole was next to him in the Manticore when the child was run over and did not push the child to start this rebellion.
He wants a favor, if possible, to separate pardons or punishments for the people, the church, the Lower House, then Ercole.
I have not said we could or cannot do this, but Ursula asked that I present this information to the Council. I will say that I don't know how reliable his information is. Most of it is hearsay from Ercole and the boys, or it's from a member of the Lower House. Can we trust his word? Probably more than Ercole, but to what extent?
A large number of commoners think they saw more than one Purple Dragon fighting in the slums and we got several different sources seeing a very real Purple Dragon as a prisoner of the Lower House escaping.
While what Ercole says is of dubous quality, it seems enough is lining up to surgest the Purple Dragon presence in the slums was very real.... course why the Raven members of the 12 want this fact to not be noticed is a question with some distresing answers.
Dawnbrother Tristian
Tristian, take a moment to think about Purple Dragons in the slums.
Why would they even be in the slums?
If they were there to make contacts or... well, do anything that wasn't fight an actual battle, why would they be in uniforms, or armour? Surely they would send people under cover in disguise, a few Purple Dragons in battle armour makes very little sense.In short, if Purple Dragons were in the city, we would have no idea, because the Cormyrians are not completely inept and would perform covert operations.
If these Purple Dragons had been found to be so by some small item about their person after being captured, maybe it would have some minor level of credibility. Commoners knowing they were Purple Dragons from a distance means they were easily indentified. Which is just ridiculous when you actually think about it.
I would not trust the word of a member of the lower house at all. Jim after all has lied in sendings over the stolen goods both claiming Izereth may have it or it was in the Manticore.
On the lady of bells
Ercole admitted to Izereth he killed Therku. The fact a shadow copy of Therku is around means the corpse was certainly given to her.
Nothing Jim has said changes anything.
As for pardoning the "people" I believe those that attacked the plaza are dead already
Sir Pierre
As for separate pardons or punishments.
Lower House: No Any member wanting any sort of leinency should surrender themselves to the palace. They will need a collar like Vals until they are rehabilitated. After all Brodd was captured and released without one and I've heard sendings from him selling mushrooms.
Tymoran Church No First they tossed a coin to see if they would support the rebellion. Then they helped Ercole incite a mob and armed it.
Sir Pierre
I agree Pierre. I'd personally say any peasant that lays down their weapons can be pardoned on the condition the don't decide to Rebel again. The mother of the child should be provided for, either by giving her a job or something so her needs are met. While Jim wants the Lower House thought of as separate from Ercole, they still aided in several murders, rebellion, theft, etc. We can do what you suggest if they lay down arms, otherwise death. Ercole, Redlock, and Jo should all die for being leaders of this rebellion and the Temple of Tymora will be warned if they start another uprising again, they won't be pardoned.
Ercole founded the lower house and speaks for it.
Therefore I would say they are one and the same.
If any members disagree with Ercole they can certainly surrender to the palace and perhaps be shown clemency depending on how much useful information they provide such as where they obtain the mushrooms from and where Jo is being hidden.
Then they can wear the collar like Val and earn forgiveness.
I doubt any would accept this but we can offer.
Sir Pierre
Jenny of Tilverton, I am understanding the things you do say. My words were for Tristan of the Aster. I am thinking he listens too much to Ercole and not enough to persons of knowing.
After what we learned from Jim of Tymora last day, I do say again that this should not be 'all or none'. Please do help I in writing what was learned. This is what Jim did tell us:- The man in purple in their cages was not found in the city but outside in the lands around.
- Ercole and his people caught this man and caged him, to use him against the city in some way.
- Ecole was being in the Manticore when the child was killed, so did not push him in front of carriage like some do be thinking.
Separate them, not punish all the same.
The people who did take up arms - Mercy. They are scared and hungered and acted under the leaders.
The church of the Luck Goddess - Mercy. Do not punish the whole for the actions of one.
The High Shaman of the Luck Goddess - Mercy, for the reason she is high shaman in the Luck Goddess service, and the city would not want to lose favor of the Goddess.
The Low House persons (Groll, Jim, others?) - Some mercy. They should work off debt to city some how. Make dig ditches or build walls or some other thing. Then exile.
Jo of the Faceless - Some mercy. She did want to take back what was born of her and cut off! Exile.
Ercole - No mercy. He did kick this nest of hornets and should learn that they sting. -
I partly agree Ursula
This is what I propose then
The commoners who took up arms, Pardons, they acted under Ercole and Redlock
The Church of Tymora itself, Pardons if they remove Redlock as the leader of the church and turn her over
Redlock, Must answer for her crimes, If she surrenders willingly she can avoid execution, She was however willing to commit treason depending on how a coin toss went and then armed rebels and sent them at the palace because she wanted Sir August Misrim handing over to Ercole
Lower House, Must answer for their crimes, They have attacked the palace and murdered guards, Supplied mushrooms that have turned people into monsters and murdered a Raven and a Bloodhound. Those who willingly surrender can perform service to the city with a control collar. Those who refuse to surrender will be shown no mercy.
Jo, Must answer for her crimes, Led an attack on the Palace. She went for the flag of Gondegal and gave it to Ercole, Not for herself. Ercole had it with him when he and the Lower House were trying to convince the Tymorans to side with them at the first coin toss
Ercole, No mercy
Sir Pierre