[Izereth walks into the meeting room and slams some armour onto the table]
[The armour is clearly tymoran, and easily identifyable as Jim'O'Bob's if anyone has seen it before, she also places a green key onto the meeting room table with it]
"Jim is dead, I left him floating in the sewer muck. It was bad enough I had to chase him down there, I wasn't going to carry a disgusting corpse back out. Now, where is the treasure I can choose from?"
A note is left in the council files a while after the armor is delivered.
So you left his corpse floating in the sewer muck, but only after carefully removing his armor? Or did you fish him up first? Generally proof is a useful thing where bounties are concerned. A head would have sufficed, much easier and far less heavy.
Are there any witnesses to this deed? Otherwise can any of your fellow councillors confirm this is the "Jim O'Bob's" armor?
~Twelve Council Clerk
I hear he gained it shortly after helping to defeat a dragon spirit. Perhaps House Mossmere know something about that?
I can take a look at it.
I did see Jim when he was last in the cells.
Though in future head removal is good as the clerk said.
You can after all take someones armour and leave them alive
Sir Pierre
I have to agree with Pierre, bringing in armor really isn't sufficient proof he's dead. He may have given it to you after begging for his life. If he really is dead, what's to stop another priest or necromancer from bringing his body back to life or animating him? The Lower House do extreme things, we can't think that they are above having him animated.
Perhaps I need some lessons in brutality then. I'm a little squeamish when it comes to literally cutting someones head from their neck, sorry about that.
A clerk has handled the reward already however.
As for witnesses, the Palace as much as encouraged us to do this on our own "We will not reward mobs" so no, there are none.
Feeling a little bruised here, and I just put myself in the face of danger for the good of the city.I have just brought in another of their number, a sorceress, who is now under the charge of the Precept Arcanum.
That would be three the Precept have captured so far (Four, if you count Jim twice, he was freed due to lack of Palace security, despite the stellar efforts of both Sir Pierre The Hound Cambrian, and my brothers Ichabod and Treth - Bravo by the way Councillor, your efforts thus far are not lost on me)
From sendings it seems Jim may have been raised.
He is making demands for his armour back, He should not get it back.
Though perhaps a mage can curse it to compel him to work against the Lower House and he can find it somehow
Sir Pierre
Well, shit.
Ichabod is a transmutation specialist and could potentially create some kind of curse.Unsure about a compulsion, that kind of thing tends to get complicated and there is little time. (I hear Mossmere have some experience though...)
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