Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids
There is a fort of goblin warriors/warlords out there. Maybe a fun way to get the druids to engage other players to start. "hey guys, go kill these goblins for us and we'll reward you" or whatever.
either way, this is well earned.
I do not see them IG or hear much about them at all. I only heard a few things they did with the Murrains. So, not voting since I have no clue what they have been up to.
What have they done for the Wildwalkers? Just curious to know. -
@matriarch said in Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids:
I do not see them IG or hear much about them at all. I only heard a few things they did with the Murrains. So, not voting since I have no clue what they have been up to.
What have they done for the Wildwalkers? Just curious to know.I'd like to know this too.
I know they spread a great plague as the murrain, but I'm wondering what they've done druid wise (the plague could be viewed like that for sure though, so it probably counts, it just didn't seem like it was set out that way)
Wanna be clear though, from what I can tell, they've ear ed some DM rewards for creating interest in the server, just unsure the druid rank makes IC sense.
Not voting as normal, I also don't pay too much attention z this is side hand knowledge I have, so probably poor, just interested (and think these threads should always have a small list of things that fit the reward)
Tbh I forget they are druids, and they were helping verk access a Grove he had no business being in
If they are to get Druid perks, I think we need to establish what they have done for the Wildwalkers
@puffy said in Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids:
Tbh I forget they are druids, and they were helping verk access a Grove he had no business being in
What have they done for the Wildwakers, not the Ravens? -
Jim and Tenebris (as far as I could tell) we’re enemies of one grove acting against it, using Pierre ( this was how I understood it) who then failed to actually retrieve the blood he needed?
This is my, “listening to conversations when PCs talk days later” viewpoint.
I was not actually involved in the event ;(
But druids can very well be rivals in how best to do things, that why you want an arch druid.
I haven't seen Jim in days and all I know of Tenebris is he is a wererat...
The two follow and support the Murrain plots. For the most part, it was jim actively pushing the 'great plague' with Ethika playing as secondary leader.
Tenebris has hunted down PCs and attempted to spread his lycanthropey plague. He is an active antagonist working to undermine good people and push an evil view of the natural world.
As for the Wildwalkers...
There is literally zero faction agenda beyond 'keep the balance' and some other tedious dumb boring shit. They have been actively pushing their world view of the balance. As a faction, thee 'wildwalkers' are literally the most bland, dull, and unimaginative of our factions, and the only thing remotely interesting about them are the pseudo-fae-spirits that inhabit the groves and give druids stuff to do outside the city.
That they have been pushing conflict with druids and worked to undermine Eveningstar as well as weaken the grasp of good in the Kingdom is a good thing.
@salem said in Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids:
I haven't seen Jim in days and all I know of Tenebris is he is a wererat...
Also this
@spiffymeister Ok this helps me.
Druids should understand the cosmic balance between good and evil, and work to keep that in (their view) of balanced as well.
They've been hammering on the concept of good in the region, this makes sense.(I personally smacked up both sides with my evil druid, to make sure neither got the upper hand - but there can be many views)
I agree with spiffy. I talked to Jim's player the other day and he had some RL stuff come up which is why he hasn't been logging in as often. He said he'd be back on more often soon though.
It'd be nice to have none good high ranking druids for a change.
@spiffymeister said in Jim and Tenebris: Rank 3 Druids:
There is literally zero faction agenda beyond 'keep the balance' and some other tedious dumb boring shit.
uuuh. We clearly do not see the faction the same way.
- Reign in the Helmlands and stop it from spreading
- Temper the influence of the Cities on nature
- Keep the Balance (which means hunt down everything undead, aberrant or outsider, and just there, there is a ton to do)
- Spread the influence of the Wildwalkers (we're the expert, consult us for stuff you want to do outside the city!)
- Individual NPC goals https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/45746/faction-wild-walkers/2
Them seem to be doing mostly Murrain stuff, but poison and plague is part of nature.
Maybe ask the players if they are a bit lost as to what to do on the Wildlwalker side of things?
Jim seems to be doing well with the Poison and Plague aspect of nature.
No clue what Tenebris is up to druid wise.They can't be the great druid of the same grove though, right? Jim get the Webbed Maze and Tenebris the Hullack one?
Do these guys know about the rotten tree (oak?) that is technically in the Hullack? (is it even in an area??) Tenebris could get a hold of that and take over the Hullack and rally up the lycans in the forest.
I meant there is no end game for the faction beyond 'keep things normal' which is honestly boring.
but we got 5 yes votes, is this approved? Getting mixed signals here.
@spiffymeister Sorry I had intended to vote no. Honestly nothing about them seems "Wildwalker" - 99.9% of it is "Murrain" and there IS a difference. Granted I've not seen them IG much.
But if they're going after the demon pact, there's no way.I'd like to see some of the Rotten Oak stuff that Matriarch mentioned.
I'd argue the Murrain is doing well with exploring what evil druids are. If wild walkers are supposed to be good and neutral only we should probably make that clear.
They're bringing can nflict to the city dwellers which no other druids have done to my knowledge.
Also the cave of wickedness- do they know the end result is a devil pact or whatever? If they get it I agree they shouldn't be druids anymore.
@man-in-the-mist they have no clue what the end of it is.
Finding out it's a pact with a demon will be interesting, they won't take it, and it might make them do stuff about it
They just simply need to be asked the question, "what is the intent, in relation to druidic duties, with the plague?"
And then see if the answer satisfies people.
Everyone agrees that stuff is cool enough fora reward, we're just figuring out if the reward should be wildwalker, druidic in general, or talona/plague related.
I agree with Zool