Hillmarch mines
Long story short, demons and angels are fighting it out there and an angel asked myself, Burke and the Astar to leave the area after we fought a horde of demons.
Felt it wise to put a stop measure in to stop a random miner walking into a warzone.
I'd just advise people it's highly dangerous.
We can't babysit adventurers after all
@v-rage Six of one, half-dozen of the other, if people are idiots a sign is hardly going to stop them.
Quite right Elora.
Unless someone wants to lock the gate and then pay for guards to stop the lock being picked or just smashed there's no actual way to keep people out.
Best to simply let them know of the dangers
@arcanigans said in Council of Twelve:
The keystone ward has been set and fully empowered. This isn't the ward entire, but the foundation of it-- it's quite potent, we'll need to act fast before it drives the outsiders from the mines in search of more comfortable places to conduct themselves.
Whatever potent elemental things you can find, do let me know. I have others searching for other components to empower it as well.
All in all, the casting of the rune went off without issue. My work was set well and with the gracious lending of strength and song, we were triumphant.
Looking forward to many more such successes.
Misa Loenalloud
Leonalloud Spell and SteelMisa's report on her work.
She requires an item or material related to the elements. One for each main element, that being fire, air, earth and water. If you find anything, see with her.True Bloodhound Ydira
The Order of the Aster commits it's resources to her aid.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
I have obtained something connected to fire, and through Alistair of the Seekers have a lead on water.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
I have thoughts on air too, I will keep the council updated as things progress
Pierre of the Black Chalice
The ravens have kept up regular patrols of the mines
However it seems Misa may have departed from the region.
We are willing with other mages on potential solutions and I will inform the council when we have something solid.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Is this effort still active? I have secured the essences of water elementals.
-Dawnknight Harcourt
I believe so, just a new mage is needed to take the lead.
Jace may be fitting
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Also will someone tell Pelaga she is not to turn this into a religious matter.
Mages should be investigating this, The last thing we need is some Ill thought out rituals making things worse in there
Pierre of the Black Chalice
I've put the following posters up
I don't want the mines becoming a religious squabbling ground between the water priestess and the Thayans or people trying rituals in there at will
Last thing we need is someone trying to summon things and make matters worse.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Put them to work in the matter either separately or together. If they work separately, they must report their work to avoid turning this into a mess and let each other know what they are doing towards ending the threat.
Unless you know a decent arcanist who can see to the matter and put the Rainbringer to work. I feel keeping the woman busy is in our best interest.
-True Bloodhound Ydira
I'd rather keep religious fanatics away all together. I find them to be utterly irrational
Her supposed idea is to part waters near the big mushroom in the mine because Soidoc felt a bit odd near it.
I don't believe someone feeling strange is a reason to attempt rites that could make things worse in an area where the planes appear to be weak
Pierre of the Black Chalice.
Yesterday a group came across a scholar calling himself Nikolas in the mines.
He said he studied areas that the veil between planes was weak and the mine was one such area.
Also it seems recently a path through the mines to the Eastern Marches has been uncovered.
I took a quick look and saw a dead druid and some odd runes
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Speaking of religious fanatics, The Aster along with the Church of Lathander and the Rain priestess will also be heading into the mines to conduct our own rituals. Keep up the good work, everyone!
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Sadly, they are everywhere. Putting them to work under supervision of those working the case is better then letting them loose and have them destroy all the ground work already done.
Do disclose what you and the priestess plan to do, to make sure it will not impact the foundation for the construction of the ward that is already in place. Screwing up the work already done will have consequences. Lets not make matters worst than they are?
-True Bloodhound Ydira
Not to worry, Councilor Ydira. I was there when we did the groundwork for those initial wards. I'll make sure what it is we do won't interfere with that, and I'll write up a report on what we find or do afterwards.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong