[Set]toportime / Therku Kaaros / Dhampyr
Topic: toportime / Therku Kaaros / Dhampyr
1).** Elf(Dhampyr)**/Rogue/NE/4 (Have not created yet)/ Therku Kaaros
2). Dhampyr (Subrace of Base Elf)
3). Therku will either turn into a driving force to get folks to fight undead, or turn into a Public Enemy to instill fear in potential Prey.
4). Being of Undead lineage, Therku was forced out of Elven society at young age for an Elf. He finds himself in the dredges of Humanity, though through IC interataction He will either turn out to hate the undead and hunt them ruthlessly (likey causing a multiclass into a Cleric class of some human diety as he was rejected by Elven society), or stop caring and start craving blood and hunting for more. If he is turned to the "good" path, he will be fanatical in his hunt of the undead, If he is turned to the "evil" path, he will be just a fanatical hunting blood. Regarless of the path he ends on he will probably use vicious tactics that keep his alignment NE. He will have a habit of sniffing around when near large groups and commenting things like "Something smells good" or something close to that. If he ends up craving blood, his favorite will be whichever race hated on him the most when he made the choice.
5). His appearance is that of a extremely pale skinned Elf with short pointed ears, his eyes appear either red or bloodshot all the time. His teeth seem a bit sharp with slightly longer fangs, and he will eat voraciously compared to what others would expect from his size. I will accept any other traits that may affect his appearnce to the whims of the DM team. -
I like that the character can be shaped by PC actions. I don't like that those pc actions will likely be acceptance because that's the go to move.
I'm for it. I've trolled toportime really bad lately.
Dhampyr is the new tiefling.
Will vote yes if I can make him my pet.
I like Topor.
He may get a little hot-under-the-collar on the discord, but he's cool in game. -
@echo said in toportime / Therku Kaaros / Dhampyr:
Will vote yes if I can make him my pet.
Sounds like an IC opportunity. Call it a yes vote and this application approved.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on