Putting a bounty on the Murrain?
The 24 hour period is nearing its end.
Does anyone contest the True bloodhounds suggestion?
-clerk Bourgogne
Seeing as they just attacked the city with poisonous clouds and oozes good clerk, yes. Raise the bounty and make it all Murrain.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
This changes things, indeed. Details on this attack are required. Gather the testimony of all present.
For attacking Arabel, then all of the Murrain are now wanted. 5000 a head? 10 000 for their leader.Y.
How about finding out who was present and charging any who performed this ritual
Instead of issuing dead or alive bounties on everyone.
I'm known as the butcher and some of you are more blood thirsty than me
It's not justice to bounty an entire group for the crimes of some of them just because you don't like them.
Pierre"The Butcher" Cambrian
Hearing you spout off about justice is hilarious, Pierre. The only 'justice' you care about is the written letter of the law. You'd support your tyrannical Duke if the laws said you could slay your neighbor every 2 moon cycles.
How much more damage are you willing to let this group called the Murrain cause? Those who associate with them are clearly guilty, the same way those who serve the Duke are guilty of enabling such an evil man.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Since one of the leaders of the Murrain has pledged that the one called Jenny did not participate in their crimes, nor any longer affiliate herself with the group, I move to have her name struck from the list of targets.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
I understand that I am dragging this back up again, but I've been made aware I needed to rethink my choices. As it stands right now, I move to strike the following names from the list of those we should be hunting.
Jenny Whitlock
KarnakWe have no evidence that these people are actively associated with the actions the Murrain has taken, and are thus to be given leniency for the time being, and offered every opportunity to rejoin society unmolested and in piece, to better embody Lathander's ideal of renewal and growth.
The rest of the names on the given list are the ones I personally observed present at the incident, and should be offered no quarter.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
Please list the crimes of the above in a poster format citing each crime per wanted criminal, and if they are exiled, wanted dead or alive. We will take care of the rest.
-Clerk Bartwhirten
Fine. Here are the names and crimes, someone with more skill with a quill can make it look pretty.
Old Jim - Murder - Wanted dead or alive.
Adam Whitlock - Murder- Wanted dead or alive
Tenebris - Murder - Dead or alive
Slurg the Half-orc - Murder- Dead or Alive
Hans the bladesman - Murder- Dead or Alive -
The Precept Arcanum (and some adventurers) killed the Lycan, who was seemingly the last of the Murrain in the region.
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