Putting a bounty on the Murrain?
If they wanted to walk into court and turn themselves in, they would of done so already. Whether or not they claim it was an act against Eveningstar doesn't matter. What matters is that they messed up, and an innocent woman is dead, sacrificed with her body cut and sent down the river.
Either they acted alone and should be put on the bounty list as outlaws, or they acted as they claim, in Tilverton's name and the Duke needs to pay. If we sent a missive to the Duke however, I'm willing to wager he'll wash his hands clean of this incident, as he always does when his plans go awry. Which is it? It just sounds like they're fishing for excuses now.
Either way, we've already put the vote up and it's unanimously yes, five to zero votes so far.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
What evidence do we have of this supposed lycanthrope in their midst?
His grace has expressed confusion and concern.
- Clerk Jacob
Sadly, the witness and source of this information, Meg the halfling, perished during this incident.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I fought it during the battle.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
The bounty vote has passed, a list of crimes and names sorted.
Only thing missing is price per head. What are the possibilities in this area?
True Bloodhound Ydira
Rewards are decided upon delivery.
Clerk Pinwell
@sinister_plank said in Putting a bounty on the Murrain?:
I fought it during the battle.
-Dawnsquire Theron Harcourt
His grace has expressed his doubt toward your testimony.
Do we have a non-involved member to provide witness?
- Clerk Jacob
I would take any testimony provided by this Meg to be false
If she would swear a false oath to a god why should we trust a single word uttered by her mouth?
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
It should also be noted this Tenebris is a druid, I have worked with the Murrain on many occasions, Hunting criminals such as Sandlord Elzen amongst others.
The only remotely odd thing I have seen is him assume the form of animals such as a bear, Perhaps weird form changing magics practiced by druids?
Such is the most likely thing here
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
No proof he's a wererat my end. But murder and human sacrafice is murder and human sacrafice. Put the bounty on him as a man, we judge him as a rat if clean cut evidence is given.
Is it murder though?
Surely we should call them to trial to ascertain any guilt before issuing a bounty for them dead.
We know that this Meg was a certainly a traitor to them, Who sent her to spy on them is as of yet unknown.
But regardless they likely took an oath to Talona to serve them through the Murrain, And they broke this oath to their god.
Torm, A god many would consider goodly is clear cut on this, A traitor must be punished with death.
It seems to me they found a traitor amongst them and performed some druidic rite to appease the pagan spirits of the lands that some seek the favour of.
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
A woman by the name of Elora Everly from Arabel was murdered, gutted, and sent down the river. We at Eveningstar tried to intervene and save her but were unfortunately not able to do so, and even lost one of our Dawnknights in the process. The Murrain are guilty.
Shut up Pierre.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I think there been enough arguing. Right now there are four men out there who feel there goddess gives them right to murder at will and do it on the Kings lands. If they want to argue that in court, they can, but I foresee them killing again and again if we let this slide.
Clerk put the bounty up.
Pierre I advise you put up something similar in Tilverton and dismiss them as mercenaries.
Advice taken and denied
We do not take orders from a failed paladin who tries to dodge a duel and acts with clear and obvious bias in all matters regarding Tilverton
Pierre "Butcher" Cambrian
Lord Tyr seems to think otherwise. ... on that note are you still of the mind that 'excuting' children is somehow just?
Since this topic has been discussed and already voted on, I'll be moving it to the archives soon.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
It is not settled yet
New testimony proves Toussaint the False tried to bribe Hans to act against my Duke
Hans testifies that he met with him and Toussaint offered to ensure there was no bounties on the Murrain if they kidnapped two serfs from my Dukes lands and took them to Eveningstar for "safety"
This entire investigation should be classed as invalid for the flawed investigation and bias against the most esteemed Duke Misrim
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
If you have any issues with councilor Julien, open a new file. Or rather, don't, because this council doesn't have time to settle disputes between Tilverton and mister Toussaint, that has nothing to do with this case.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
//Someone write a -clear- list of names and crimes, its hard to make it out from all the discussions. Meant to be put up 2 RL days ago, so its just OOC that the bounty isnt up yet
@puffy // they sent me something this morning, I haven’t been at my computer since. I’ll pm it to the team for someone to post