Nerf Treasure Hunts
I am not sure about timer, because it tends to be easier to do a treasure hunt en masse. Either up the loot for treasure hunts and include a timer, or try and delete duplicate maps in some way.
@joekickass I would say the last thing the maps need is more loot. That's the opposite of this suggestion, really.
Despawning on reset would actually be a pretty good solution to fixing the map issue.
Part of the fun of the maps was getting them en mass for big hunts with people. That was the whole point of the old treasure hunters guild.
@onlylobo I'm all for getting tons of different maps and going to different places... But the duplicate maps is a little ridiculous. You can go a 1 minute walk from the main part of the city 3 different ways and get like 2k each. They just shouldn't be able to be stockpiled liked this, it's a massive amount of gold being added to the game for virtually no effort.
@bowser This feels like a non issue to me, but alright
I would get rid of them on reset so you cant go hunting for like 40 maps at a time.
@gdardog Given how hard it is for me to earn coin, I really don't want this. Treasure hunts are one of my few solid sources of income.
@onlylobo It's a balancing issue. Being able to acquire 10k in a matter of 1-2 hours is CRAZY powerful.
@bowser The point is more that one map is barely worth the time. 75% would never be used because you need 30 mins to get to the location
@joekickass not to mention they tend to drop more from the group quests for me, which means I get fewer maps in general
@joekickass There's at least 5 or 6 locations within 3-5 mins walking distance from historic or less. If you have 5-6 of these it's instantly an insane amount of gold influx going into the server all at once. I know a player that just started like 2 days ago and this morning he had 13k. That shouldn't be possible through conventional means, really.
You can easily take a group of 8 people with a large amount of maps and get a pool of 40k gold in a couple of hours. Seems too good to be true. Maybe reduce the gold per person amount?
Maybe lower the gold payout and make it prestige item heavy?
@gdardog said in Nerf Treasure Hunts:
You can easily take a group of 8 people with a large amount of maps and get a pool of 40k gold in a couple of hours. Seems too good to be true. Maybe reduce the gold per person amount?
5K per person for the hours it took to get the maps in the first place in other quests, then the hours more getting all the treasure dug up, seems fine to me, do not want nerf here.
@druidtek Well, players are questing anyway. Often you don't even need to get the maps... You'll just receive a sending and go on a hunt without even having any yourself and still get thousands upon thousands. It's definitely a "too good to be true" thing for players 2 days old to have a spare 13k as a frontliner.
A lot of these big treasure hunts that pay out a lot of gold are the result of a relatively long time of saving up maps by several players. This isn't reflected in the moment and isn't apparent if you're not collecting these maps and either running the events or handing them over to someone who does.
A better side-grade I think would be to add quite a few more potential locations to the pool of maps, primarily to areas that aren't literally right outside the city. This would make it so there are less duplicates and more incentive to explore beyond the spots immediately surrounding the city. It still rewards players for collecting, organizing, and attending hunts but spreads out the places you need to visit and time you need to invest in order to get the same return a little better.
It also gives you an actual reason to visit a lot of these areas which seemingly serve no other purpose than to be wasted space in the module with seemingly zero actual content in them.
@bowser that's because front liners are pretty self-sufficient and can solo well. Those of us support classes are making wands, buying consumables, burning through rests, and have a hard time if this gets nerfed.
@hellzyeah said in Nerf Treasure Hunts:
A lot of these big treasure hunts that pay out a lot of gold are the result of a relatively long time of saving up maps by several players. This isn't reflected in the moment and isn't apparent if you're not collecting these maps and either running the events or handing them over to someone who does.
A better side-grade I think would be to add quite a few more potential locations to the pool of maps, primarily to areas that aren't literally right outside the city. This would make it so there are less duplicates and more incentive to explore beyond the spots immediately surrounding the city. It still rewards players for collecting, organizing, and attending hunts but spreads out the places you need to visit and time you need to invest in order to get the same return a little better.
It also gives you an actual reason to visit a lot of these areas which seemingly serve no other purpose than to be wasted space in the module with seemingly zero actual content in them.
I really like this idea. I know it's more work, but it's worth it I feel.
@hellzyeah This is also a great suggestion to improve on how it exists ATM. But @druidtek I'm not sure I agree. As a support character I usually find I have even more gold/supplies than as a frontliner. I definitely feel as it exists currently is a "Too good to be true" Feel.