[Set]Olouth/Rank 3/Stillwater
- Doing awesome IG (Plot sharing, reacting to other PCs actions, involving whoever they get their hands on)
- Rolling with the punches (Allowed Gloomy to win in a staged pvp duel)
- Making Eveningstar not just bend over and taking it, but putting up a fight to /shine/
Supposed to be rank 3
Cant really speak to this. Have only seen them IG 1-2 times. Blame timezones.
Plot ticket: Evelyn Stillwater, Half Elf paladin of Lathander
A. Spread the influence of Eveningstar
B. Spread Lathanders light, as an example to follow for others (become champion of Lathander)
C. War against the tyranny of Tilverton
D. Slaad plot
E. New Knightly Order of paladinsA: Gotten a seat on the council. Gonna expand influence there, by actions rather than words, but will use it as a way to spread the plot info around, so all can enjoy them. Gonna use my new position to push the knightly order (plot E)
B: slowly progressing. Lost two duels to Tilverton due to being a low lvl moron, but using scripted quests to “fight the darkness”. Will focus even more on getting others to join in and use the quests to tell stories. Will use my three farmer hearts for an event on REDEMPTION, to lead others into the light.
C: Progressing nicely. Used the fragments from Kincaid to make Lorenza confess. Offered the druid a redemption story to follow, and will use the talona cup to ensure she does. Bringing the fragment info into the open through the council and interactions with everyone, to spread the plot around. Lost a duel to Kincaid (not on purpose), but evened the odds, so he had a chance to win, and could prove he was not the spy, to keep him alive. Gonna try and either push Tilly off the council, or force them to have a shrine to Lathander in Tilly, as payment for their attacks. That should allow some more interaction between the two, and an outdoor shrine did not seem like too much of a hazzle to build for the admins.
D: Currently connected to Tilverton. Doing my best to spread the plot to as many as possible.
E: I have one paladin interested (Byron) but awaiting NPC feedback on the Lathander forum. -
Note: Is Dawnsquire, app is for Dawnknight
Rank 3 Aster yes.
I would also say that this should be Olouth either picking to stick to HoM and fully dedicate himself to the order of the Asters. Or, leave the Asters in grace to start his new order.
He can decide about the new order thing if he gets some people interested. No point forcing a decision between being part of a faction and an empty goal with no pc support yet.
@prof-misclick said in Olouth/Rank 3/Stillwater:
He can decide about the new order thing if he gets some people interested. No point forcing a decision between being part of a faction and an empty goal with no pc support yet.
Has this been set?
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