[SET] JoeKickAss / Drago Montageau / WereRat
Topic: JoeKickAss / Drago Montageau / WereRat
1). Halfling/Rogue/Neutral Evil/4/Drago Montageau
2). Wererat
3). Goals: Long-term goal will be to set up Pablo Escobar type syndicate in Alleyways and recruit potential allies into a thieves guild. Rogue is not hugely popular class so might open things up.
Short-term, will try and pickpocket players to develop reputation but proceeds will be donated to some unnamed PC or Mistress of Alleyways (that can be fleshed out if Im not murdered) so as not to benefit from perks too much. The totals will be logged in a thieves diary which can be looted.
In time, assassinations and heist quests may be options if there's interest and Im not killed. Though current setting could make him easy target for all factions, and accept may die quickly.
Will likely feed into Man of the Mists rat plot in some way, whether as a protagonist (allied to rat king) or in some way a competitor (try to usurp) can be determined/agreed with storyteller or discovered through events.
4). Last PC Gloili Herk, entreprenuer who was killed for practicing consultancy
5). Drago is a young halfling from poor district of Arabel. Believed by parents - who moved to Arabel as refugees in Cormyrian civil war - to have been cursed with lycanthropy from exposure in sewers where he often went to scavange and hunt rat tails. He murdered his parents in a fit of rage after they disclosed an intention to report him to the Greywatch to be "cured".
6). Other- Subrace features etc.App for DM consideration
What's our stance on having multiple wererats around at once? I'm kind of ramping up for a wererat pandemic and I don't really want that sealed away from folks involved in my rat king plot working towards being a wererat just cause Joe is playing one.
Also idk about how well Joe would do with such a powerful subrace. I've not had many great experiences with him I guess.
Well you are King Rat @Man-in-the-Mist so we'll always have one around. :D
I don't think it matters if we have a couple were-rats at the same time, especially given the sever pop of late. We've have were-wolf duos etc before.
I share your concern about how Joe will deal with this but the last few characters have been interesting and he's been more positive to associate with recently so willing to take a chance on him. If you are thinking to have Lycans EiG then that might be fun and if the rest of the team agrees, I'm fine with you telling Joe just that instead of apping straight in.
@Man-in-the-Mist I would urge them to either work together OR conflict in some way, it would be alittle tasteless if there were 3 pcs claiming ownership of the same realm and terrorizing for 3 separate reasons. That said if you don't think this fits your story then nvm!
That said;
3). Goals: Long-term goal will be to set up Pablo Escobar type syndicate in Alleyways and recruit potential allies into a thieves guild. Rogue is not hugely popular class so might open things up. -- JKA wants to set up a syndicate, which is pretty original compared to the other lycan applications!
This gets a positive review from me, but I don't want to take away from MitM plot!*-edited, words are hard
Oh no, I'm not worried it will subtract from my plot. Especially if there isn't a worry of too many wererats. That was my main concern and it seems it'll be fine!
Regardless of my feelings about Joe it seems he's been doing better recently and it's not a bad app. I'll vote yes.
just means the price of silver weapons goes up.
@lord_acererak said in JoeKickAss / Drago Montageau / WereRat:
just means the price of silver weapons goes up.
Mithril weapons get tossed into the river. "BRING ME SILVER"
Didnt he just quit because it's boring in his timezone?
Player asking for update. Votes please.
Neither for nor against. Still not happy with his recent behavior.
@man-in-the-mist Just make sure to tell the players that, while shifted, tells may not work right, and may be sent to other were rats - because the names are the same due to the disguise system, the game get's confused.
Oh yeah. I'll probably advise them not to use tells at all while shifted.
4 yes. 0 no.
Has this been set?
Saw him IG so yes -
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