Suggestion for Platinum Armor
Copying this over from a suggestion on Discord.
I realize this might need some discussion, but can I suggest that the platinum armors get a +1 paladin first level slot and a +1 cleric level 1 slot? Currently they're the only armor that have no real personality within the roster.
Iron has decent physical resistance and modest price, adamantium is a good general set for anyone but platinum is just normal plate with a minor acid immunity. Giving it a link to divine stuff without making it too good (like weight reducing) should give it a place for folks to have something desirable without Mithril being the only best kind of armor for all classes.
We added some bonus spellslots for all caster classes to jewelry recently. Not sure they'll go on armors, tbh, but I'm in process of re-evaluating current armor stats.
The problem is armors got made and added when I implemented crafting.
Then stats were changed - and I think forums were updated.
Then stats were changed again - and maybe forums didnt get updated.
Then I think stats were changed again.I'm doing a whole rework like I did with jewelry. It's a tedious process, but I hope to have it done by the time I go back to work on 3 Jan.
It's super appreciated, Echo. I know how laborious toolsetting stuff is, I can't imagine it's a lot of fun to add to CNR either.
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on