[Closed] Zuguk
Sure, but if his tribe is always on the move and they hold advantage in the Hullack, we're looking for a needle in a haystack.
Luring him out could work, but will take time and I would prefer we be ready for a long haul.
That said, we did good work in getting us a spy. If it varies fruit we may be able to make quick work of this Warlord.
-J. Rawen
Is there any plan of action for today? Mr Cambrian had previously spoken of planning a trap today.
E.C. Blythe
An Elk horn has been recovered, we are clear to perform our next step.
-J. Rawen
I would like to reiterate that this enemy, this warlord of the Hullack has made a point of moving his forces when able. He will be a true challenge to best. Perhaps it would be best to continue to infiltrate his ranks?
I just want us all to be prepared to think outside the box, given the opportunity.
The councilor from Tilverton has the beginnings of a strategy proposed. I concur with his assessment of the capability of Bospir. Caution must be taken to minimize the damage however. Prudence would dictate that if the battle comes to Bospir or any other settlement, that the principles of siege warfare be adhered to, specifically that unless greatly out numbered where a static defense is sound, keep engagements away from the central means of shelter, supply and refit. We should choose the place of our engagement and seize the initiative in battle. Massive area damage should be restricted to open battle.
Keep me informed and I will do what I can to aid in this.
Gareth Tylel
@v-rage said in Letter: Ethel and Miel:
Ethel, Miel
We currently plan to strike the orcs tommorow
Tomorrow myself, Mr Shepard and Mr Cambrian of the Ravens will gather to strike a blow against the growing army of Zuguk. I encourage anyone available to join us, we cannot let this orcan army grow further.
E.C. Blythe
A group was assembled to slay Zuguk last night, Upon entering the forest we blew the horn, An orc and goblin came out and threw the head of the orc we had sent to infiltrate at our feet, Then said it was Zuguk and wanted to take the ring in return for peace, We tried to get some information from it but Signe attacked and the goblin fled.
Both Miel and Veneople tracked it to firefall grove and we found a cave Zuguk was laired in, After a gruelling battle we made our way to Zuguk and did battle, unfortunately he was able to best us and destroyed the false ring Ethel had, Miel charged the real gem with blood which allowed Ethel to lift Zuguk off of her and he fled.
Information learnt from the goblin after indicated Zuguk is more of a title than a name, That he had lost over half his army in our attack and he would still seek the gem.
It should be a priorty to hunt this orc down and end him
I have written to Miel and suggested a hunting festival with offerings to the forest spirits if he can attempt to speak with them to learn where Zuguk may have fled, As the orc seeks to corrupt the forest if it obtains the gem I very much doubt the forest wants it in there
Although Zuguk's tribe is nomadic, there is still the chance it can be found and raided. However, this would require coordination between a team of scout and a strike team. Once the camp is found, it would require to be struck within the day.
Otherwise, Raven Cambrian's idea could either work, or send the orc further into hiding. Has anyone of the council spoken with him or with Ranger Miel on this hunt?
A possible way to lure the orc was being looked into by my organization. The general idea was to redirect the energy of the Heart of Neima into another item and send a team to the other end of the forest with it. However, this has been discarded as not possible. However, we are investigating a possible alternative. I will keep you appraised should this alternative be feasible.
Bloodhound Ydira
Zuguk has been brought low along with the majority of his horde.
-William Thatcher
The orc and his horde are dead, his head was turned in for the bounty. This case is closed.
Bloodhound Ydira
S Shadowfax moved this topic from Plot Faction: Council of Twelve Peers on