OOC: Prestige Faction Gear upgrading
Professor v7375
Effective above you may turn in armour/clothes/shields/helms/cloaks bought with prestige for a 50% credit towards the purchase of other gear.
- You would put the gear you wish to trade into the appropriate faction prestige chest (Greywatch for Greywatch, Precept Arcanum for Precept Arcanum etc)
- 50% of the original prestige spent should be credited back, adding to your total, for the purchase of new gear.
- Be careful on the math so you are not left without gear
- Only items purchased going forward from this post will receive the 50% turn in value
- Gear should only give you 1 PP if you turn it in to another faction
- Values subject to change
Please report anything unusual or not working.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!
P Prof. Misclick pinned this topic on
//Trying to buy a Heavy Mace of the Morning from the faction shop but I get the below error.
Can we merge some of the pinned topics together please? I did try to make one report thread but I'm not an admin so I can't unpin them.
@oldtimeradio said in OOC: Prestige Faction Gear upgrading:
//Trying to buy a Heavy Mace of the Morning from the faction shop but I get the below error.
Resolved next reset
@puffy Sorry, looks like there's the same issue with the Laam Wiliaml Replica (Great Sword as well)
Found an issue with the prestige rewards on the basic aster plate, it should give somewhere around 300, but it only gives 3.
Just checked. S/b 274. I'll sort it out likely today. Thanks!
Edit: Should be resolved next reset :D
@prof-misclick @Puffy
Would it be possible that we could be allowed some minor changes to distinquish the looks between a squire and a full blown knight, uniform wise? Right now we look identical, me and Theron.
Ill be happy to do the works, and just make a "guide" for how to make it look slightly different depending on rank.By changes, I mean make the cloak red instead of yellow, and do some minor editing to shoulders and arms on the full plate, to represent full on knight.
We can look at changing the appearance between the different armour but rank has nothing to do with appearance. Armour is prestige cost so a Dawnsquire with a lot of prestige can buy/ have the same armour as a Dawnknight.
I am all in on the idea of prestige decides your loot. Nothing to change there. It was only to show a slight difference between a squire and a knight. Like the Old harts had same armor, different color cloak. Making it easier to tell who is what. So a knight would get to dye his yellow cloak pint for instance. Same cloak, just a different color.