File: The Shield
I believe this shield should be seen as an effort by Soppi to undermine the council.
Members of the council should not be allowed to join this other group.
We should instead seek to recruit more suitable adventurers for the council.
[A fragment of a poster is placed here by someone]
@DracoS said in The Shield of Arabel:
Dear People of Arabel
It become clear to me in recent days that the Council of Twelve has become rotten with constant infighting and inability to take effective action due to internal division. And neither can I have confidence in a organisation whose members bring bandits into conference halls and make violence to get there own way.
This Soppi isn't very smart are they? Probably a good thing they were removed.
I have a feeling that Marshal Drakesbane will not be best pleased with an ex councillor who left on not the best of terms, putting up a poster defaming the Council of 12 Peers and actively trying to undermine it.
But I am just
-A Clerk
If the Shield holds the same goals as the council, there's no reason we can't see them as Allies at least.
They simply do as we do, without royal backing. As a member of the Greywatch, Bryce, i figured you'd appreciate the use for a technically unaffiliated group that shares our general mission.
I know you found issue with Soppi, but even from that angle this keeps her close and on the right track, without any actual authority to potentially abuse.
are you remembering the posters of Defaming? Or the issues that arose as she was on council. Or the discrepancies with information she provides or yet the fact she told me she even sent invites to the likes of the disgusting orc Rot to join the shield. What next war parties of orcs?
Its a conflict of interest and she has given false information under suspicious pretence just to reach her goals. Makes me wonder what else is she willing to comprimise to do other things in the name of what she calls good?
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
And this is why I prefer her in a position where we at least get some information out of her.
I won't deny i have a friendship with Soppi. However her casual disregard for basic morality at times does concern me greatly.
The Shield at least gives her reason to still act in the interest of the city. I for one welcome it having more defenders, and the nature of the Shield is such that we don't need to approve of them, and can step in at any time should they overstep.
Keep them close, and we can keep an eye on them all.
The efforts of a former councilor who left in disgrace and continues to be a source of a problem rather than any solution are incompatible with this body.
You serve the city at the pleasure of the Regal Council and that service is incompatible with a seditious group filled with members who consider themselves above laws of the realm.
It is unacceptable that actions of this body, have given rise to a group who seeks rally the very people it was founded to aid, against it.
Councilors, you are to find a way to work together for the betterment of the people or leave the council immediately. If you wish to prioritize any agenda other then service to the realm then this council is not for you. If you find yourself agreeing with the words of this group then you are confronted with working with the council to reclaim the trust and love of the people or you must leave.
There can be no middle path. You either serve the realm and the Council Regal as council representatives of the people and the many visions of what the realm should be, with a common cause or you do not.
Choose your service.
Dame Saga Drakebane
Marshal of the Realm
Royal Councilor//You cannot be in both factions but we encourage people to pick whatever is IC for their character and look forward to seeing how this will develop.//
Since Soppi undoubtedly invited some of you to this seditious group which of you will be the one to tell her to disband it.
This matter is neither dealing with innate casters, unique bloodlines or magical beasts. I’ve little interest in their group and don’t care so long as they don’t get in the way of the Precept’s operations.
-Blood Dragon, Naresh Sabzvari.
She admitted herself she invited that hideous Orc Rot. I refused her invite. I will not comprimize with the likes of him.
Dawnlord Jadzia Sunguard
If adventurers want to work together, we have no reason or cause to tell them not to.
I have advised Soppi to hold her tongue regarding the council when i informed her I would not be part of the Shield, but in a practical sense that is all we can do.
Even if we told them to disband the Shield of Arabel, nothing stops them working together still or perusing the same goals together. At least as the Shield they are easier to keep track of.
Soppi has stated views that ring similar to the First peer, that the council requires unity of purpose, and claims that the Shield will be disbanded when that happens.
A bit presumptuous for sure, but since we want that anyway, we'll see if Soppi keeps her word.
If not, we'll move forward.- Ezri
The Shield, being created by a druid, is not a threat to the charge and custodianship of the Wild Walkers. If her actions become a threat to the city or the kingdom, we may interfere. But we do not find ourselves concerned with the Shield. Unlike some, we can embrace many view points within our organization. If there is some law she is breaking, we have not seen it in the lawbooks until now. Perhaps you can point it out to us, Bryce?
Until then, we see the Shield as a lovely challenge for this Council to rise to. A strong alpha must be challenged by its pack on occasion, in order for it to remain strong. If it is not challenged, it becomes lazy. And this Council has been lazy, focusing too much on tearing itself apart, than uniting to find common ground.
Either we rise to the challenge, find unity, and grow stronger. Or the Shield becomes what we failed to be, and we become but a foot note in the pages of history.
I stand with the council, to ensure that we remain strong. But if you need us to hold your hand against even the smallest obstacles Bryce, perhaps the Greywatch can send us someone more competent to represent you?
Kindly explain why you attempt to make it seem as if Drakesbane ordered them to disband. There have been no such orders, and no such declarations from the Council of 12.You can try and take the law into your own hands all you will. But it is without the acceptance and authority of this council that you do so. And on a personal note, any harm brought to a druid by your hand, without the consent of this council, will be returned in kind.
@V-Rage said in Letter to Bryce:
The Shield has been declared seditious by Marshall Drakesbane. Your delusions of grandeur and that you are immune to consequences for protecting criminals is laughable.
The Shield is to disband.
That is all
How can you misinterept the fact Marshal Drakesbane calls the shield a seditious group filled with members who consider themselves above the law to be any sign of approval.
If you support this shield you should leave the council. As said before there is no middle path
Marshal Drakesbane's exact words were "If you find yourself agreeing with the words of this group then you are confronted with working with the council to reclaim the trust and love of the people or you must leave."
I myself have informed Soppi that she cannot bring slander of that nature upon the council, and so she has ceased to do so.
Marshal Drakesbane also said that to be a part of the council is to prioritize service to the realm above any other Agenda.
While the Shield can be disagreeable, and the nature of the founding having cast a shadow upon us, they stand to defend Arabel. We don't have to like them, or agree with them, and we certainly don't have to give them recognition. But, you would try to wield Marshal Drakesbane's authority to deprive Arabel of defenders.Perhaps you'd prefer to give more work to the Scarlet Syndicate? You seem very fond of them, calling on their aid wherever you can. Do you just choose to forget that they serve as Ravens of Tilverton? That they have sworn loyalty to someone who until very recently was actively seeking to take arabel for himself, having previously tried to sell their services to him in time of war against him while acting on behalf of this very council, and that every item of note they carry back to their nest adds funding to their efforts to capture the trade routes for their own and deprive Arabel of Much needed Supplies?
The Council of Twelve does not Approve of the Shield. Their words have caused damage to it's reputation and the faith the people hold in us.
But, the damage to our reputation that would come of you telling adventures proclaiming themselves as Defenders of the City that they cannot do so will be entirely on your head. How will the common folk speak of the council that stripped Arabel of it's shield?
Either learn diplomacy, or leave it to those better suited to the task.
- Ezri.