[No] Sd.Kfz.184.ferd / Sergivitch Tabori/ Werewolf, bitten
discord: Spidercider45/Sd.Kfz.184.ferd /Character Name/ Lycanthropy
1). Human/Ranger/Chaotic Neutral/7/Sergivitch Tabori
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Goal#1- Fester the wound so that I can be a Lycan , I ask Greg The druid of The Hullack aid me in this prosses , if it works then Sergivitch can one have a easier time in achieving his future goals
Goal#2- Defeat the aberrations this Jack fellow brought into this land and try not to kill the ones who are enthralled (the Malarites ) cause Sergi needs them for another goal . How I intend to do this is to hopefully kill jack and the beholder(s) Sergi this will involve Greg , lucy and whoever we can cobble together
Goal#3- The foundations , basically if we can pull off the killing of jack , the aberrations and the beholders Without killing the enthralled. Sergi is going to try to convince them to join with him in the founding of the The Malarite Bone Dancers (faction) once this is founded Seri will use this to spread the word of Malar, make lycans respected and feared.
please tell me if it needs changing
4). discord: Spidercider45, Login name: Sd.Kfz.184.ferd
5). Serivitch Tabori doesn’t know where he grew up either age has made him forget or too many knocks to the head but what he dose know is he grew up on a steppe and that it was cold, what he dose remember was that at some point his home was burned down by what he thinks were elves thus beginning this long brutal hatred for elves , his parents would later die as a result of freezing to death . so there he was all alone in a frozen hell so he just took himself and the clothes on his back and left living the life of a nomad for a good 20 years and in this time Sergivitch learned how to hunt and how to live off the land. Then he found himself in Arebel looking for work but what he found was Malar’s truth.
Since his arrival in Arebel, Segivitch Tabori has been following Malar’s teachings by consuming the hearts of foes he killed such as Orcs, Hill giants, Cyclops and his best kill yet one of the Pus’s sons. He Helped The Great Druid Greg of the Hullack , Lucy and the now dead werewolf Vossler with the undead problems around Arebel . Sergi intends to deal with who ever is bringing the slaad into this land and the beholders that enthralled his other Malarite comrades (referencing Boravar and Jax) . Once this is done he will go and try to find if there are any other Malarites out there (wants to convert others) and found The Malarite Bone Dancers (Plants for founding a player faction). But what he wants most of all is to become a lycan he hopes to obtain this by offering blood to malar , blood or any and all who oppose Malar’s blessed path also he has already been bit when he was fighting the lycan priestess. - he's referring to when he challenged a Werewolf called the "priestess" I was running around as, challenged and obviously lost a fight.
6). Lycanthropy, werewolf, bitten and turned.
This is the players first application, fyi.
Has he been bitten in game?
He's a good malarite, but I don't see how this is a good story other than "how to kill jack in PvP cause lycan strong"
I mean a lycan fights with more than just claws.
So yes.
Lots of PCs can claim they have been bitten.
He was beaten down by the npc, who did indeed maul him to the brink of death, and then she dragged him to Vossler to be dealt with.
Vossler liked the PCs boldness, and they became fast friends.
Shit app
how to kill jack
invis gank
ill report tonight to him that this is a no-go.
Will make a proper plot ticket for him tomorrow, however -
After Dextar Jes'Tar accepted Lathander has his patron deity, Sergi waited for everyone to leave, waited for nightfall, set up some rags and alcohol, and began burning someones house. When the couple ran out screaming, he summoned his tiger and had it kill them. then began burning the bodies.
Unfortunately, someone [Polly Farmer pc name] was running by doing the delivery quest while invisible, and saw literally the whole damn thing.
Polly told Calanthe who was first on the scene and Calanthe grabbed Dextar, went hunting.
They made a sending for Sergi, who showed up covered in burns since he almost killed himself on the fire after setting it.
Sergi lied about 5 times in the conversation, failed a dc 15 bluff roll, and then summoned his companion which attacked while he fled to High Crimmond.
@Lord_Acererak said in [No] Sd.Kfz.184.ferd / Sergivitch Tabori/ Werewolf, bitten:
[Polly Farmer pc name]
This is Darlene's "Brass DT"
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on